Tim Tankerd

Still so much better than /pol/ and their threads entitled 'let's elect the next president'.

Please let "The Young Pope" be the soapy camp masterpiece the previews make it out to be. It's one of the few potential bright spots in the dark and dank tunnel that is 2017.

I think it's a testament to the ways in which Alphabet continues to be innovative. Their division of "GoogleFinancialJobsCash554MarketShare\GetPay$97\Hour.." is producing major cash flow with a significant upside. I remain long.

I wonder if has to do with how high the barriers to entry are now to make a decent looking CG movie. We really haven't seen a truly independent computer animated equivalent to those Bluth/ Bakshi days. Things like "Delgo" are the closest we've come.

It was super ironic? Like it was a blatant statement about the artifice of the movie, the paucity of generational imagination ("heaven is a 90s dance party!") and a dig at endings like that played straight?

Hey now, leave Zootopia out of this. "Try Everything" was a thematically appropriate original song. The ending also respects the reality of the movie, Jenny Slate's little lamb is still in jail, not performing on stage.

Pop culture is literally the last bastion of power the Left has.

Damn Bojack, way to bite the hand that feeds you.

That screed would be misguided. "The Ranch" is a much better target. I'd guess the rise of Fuller House has more to do with widespread millennial anomie and degeneration and decadence. The future is unbearably grim for the vast majority of this generation, full of massive inequality and crippling debt and

Based on the astounding number of various viewership metrics Netflix has access to I would bet that the amount would astonish you.

It's a damn masterpiece. You won't regret it.

Nearly a decade late and "War Zone" is still the greatest comic book movie ever made. It really is a perfect distillation of all the over the top insanity of a Garth Ennis type writer working within the medium at its best. The mopey and milquetoast Netflix versions are just so lacking in that visceral "whoa!"

Unfortunately Kuzma's mother has now been appointed next Russian ambassador to United States.

Don't reframe the question! It should be:
Are you in favor of Russian patriot groups liberating ethnic Russians from the encroaching hordes of Ukrainian fascists and islamists as they storm the gates of glorious Russian enclave of Crimea?

Oh a half dozen thermobaric bombs would certainly have the effect of ending violence in Chicago in less than a week!

"Redistricting of Wisconsin" is what Ryan calls autoerotic asphyxiation while sitting in a lukewarm tub of cheese curds.

That's my favorite part. Got to love those republicans justifying the president elect meeting with convicted murderer Don King. Thank god we prevented that Vince Foster killing, pizzagate trafficking, homebrew server using woman from being president!

But we've never tried governing by treason. Let's give it a shot

In reality they're just shockingly corrupt Portuguese city councillors gorging themselves on New York System Wieners.

This is outrageous. They're exploiting Trump's cabinet before they've even had a chance to govern.