Tim Tankerd

The next battle will be in the primaries. Trump does have a rabid following that absolutely no other GOP politician can match. If they do impeach him I could absolutely see him turning into a Thaksin Shinatawara situation where he returns again and again through different stalking horses.

Marty Marty Lema Scorsese!

They have both houses of congress, hundreds of court vacancies to fill, the executive and the Supreme Court for generations along with being a single state government away from being able to rewrite the constitution.

"Trump, bystanders, exchange heated words and bullets in noon day interaction on 5th Avenue"

"The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047" went from being a darkly funny look at economic collapse to chillingly plausible following Trump's election. This is Lionel Shriver at her best: mordant, slightly cruel, very funny. Highly recommended- especially for those with opinions on the stock market and the economy.

Dude probably made enough from residuals on Malcolm in the Middle to have never worked again.

"Kato" was the Green Hornet's Asian manservant. "Cato" was the Pink Panther. I hope someone gets fired for this error.

I have no idea what's going on with him. I genuinely thought "Red State" would lead to a new career resurgence but his last couple have been so solipsistic and masturbatory as to be pointless.

Definitely on "Weiner". No other movie experience has given me that mingled sense of optimism, cringe inducing, horror, empathy and schadenfreude. Some of those scenes- like the final apartment huddle with the staff with the little kid crying in the background or Anthony doing Dangerfield routines with his chief of

I really wanted to like Shin/ Resurgence. All the non-monster stuff was top notch, nailing that classic Toho films feel of bureaucrats bickering while the monster looms… but man I did not care for the Godzilla redesign at all. He just looked so ridiculous in each iteration, from bulge eyed tadpole to super tail

Yeah, "Arrival" was the shit.

Despicable Me was a total rip off of "Grimly Feendish"

I legitimately thought the character was named "Saul" until just now.

That's a huge mark up. "250 grams" of gold is just a bit over eight ounces or around $9400. 50 carats of melee diamonds can be had for $6650

I for one consider the creation of the new Federal Department of Going In the Cornfield to be a good thing. A very good thing.

My book "How to pay prostitutes for sex" has proven surprisingly effective in getting me laid!

One of the many terrible things about Trump is how it's validated so many of the worst elements in our society. Toxic masculinity, casual sexual assault, disdain and anti-intellectualism, greed and corruption have proven to be effective. Fucking Scot Adams and Bill Mitchell and Milo can legitimately say they were

I've got the feeling Jared Diamond's "Collapse" is going to be the blueprint for the Trump administration.

I think Trump pretty conclusively blew up the Overton Window. Guy proved ideology can be absolutely discarded if you've got the following.

Yeah, say what you will about Tammany but at least they built a reservoir and a bridge now and then.