Tim Tankerd

This fuck is going to be able to implement a Muslim registry with literally a single click. FB is going to be a civil liberties nightmare in the coming years.

Leonard Pierce?

And imagine the guy who has spent the last thirty years studying Turkmen, speaks their language and has been working their way up the embassy ladder having to watch himself get passed over by whoever is managing Styx these days.

It was definitely deliberate on behalf of his staff but it was his response to the furor that was bad. First he denied it being arranged, then he doubled done and challenged China directly and heavily raised the stakes. They intended sending a signal and Trump fucked it up so bad so quickly.

I honestly think there's some intuitive NLP method to that maddening drivel- like his speech is somehow so much more effective when hearing it versus reading transcripts.

Get on television and criticize him from a position of perceived authority. That seems to set him off.

Michael Moore really nailed it. Trump cannot accept criticism. When there's an (inevitable) terror attack while he's been dicking around his response is going to be so disproportionate it'll be absurd. Just look at this Taiwan thing, guy has ramped it up so far rather than just call it a mistake.

Dude is literally offering ambassadorships now to talent bookers if they can get performers for the inauguration. Things are so far beyond fucked. http://nymag.com/thecut/201…

Mit Schlag!

They spent entire seasons focused on Barney's character growth in order for him to have a relationship with Robin and they regress the character in the finale into someone who has a child with a woman who he can't be bothered to learn the name of.

We're going to see a truly profound change in the internet over the next four years. Expect a total repeal of any kind of net neutrality and the passage of a DMCA+ that will have a truly chilling effect. Meanwhile Hogan V. Gawker provided the perfect blueprint for crushing independent media. It'll be grim times.

I think that aging really comes about as you recognize the power and responsibility of the position. Trump genuinely seems to not care whatsoever about the responsibilities and seems willing to outsource everything from Pence. It's pretty incredible.

Broke up Jolie-Pitt. That's bound to boost your Q Score.

Standing with one foot on a dead lowland gorilla and wearing a MAGA hat.

Maybe if the dog is stung or bit by something and having allergic reaction?

Hmm so Steven Avery running for president with Ryan Lochte as VP may have had the mojo to beat Trump.

No love for Garth Ennis' reborn "War Stories"? Dude writes the best war fiction I've ever seen in comics- meticulously researched with that patented splash of Ennis gore. Really beautiful books and by far his most solid ongoing series since "Battlefields" wrapped

They peaked with Eisenhower and have been circling the drain ever since.

I'll definitely throw in a recommend for the book series as well. Very readable, great world building, and they're released at a fairly decent pace.

It's an incredible article and very timely. Really is a masterpiece of narrative nonfiction. Great stuff- sobering and sad.