Tim Tankerd

That man is now Trump's pick for head of the USDA so look at how it all worked out in the end

In the profound vacuum left by America's total collapse there will be bright options for the plucky nation states which survive the nuclear fallout. Kiribati it's your time to shine!

She went from being a failed architecture student in Slovenia to being an escort and nude model to First Lady of the United States. I honestly can't think of anyone comparable. Maybe Lola Montez?

So it's a sequel to "Almost Famous" focusing on the Marc Maron character?

The question of ignorance versus evil is relevant here. Are they really that ignorant? Or do they just think removing environmental monitoring will make it easier to "get away" with it all?

Another classic example of dismediation. Replying in such a way that not only negates the original point but instead projects disdain that anyone actually cares and towards the very medium itself.

"These kids are a mess- sitting there all day. Total hell hole! I like jobs y'know? I love jobs. Tearing down that disgusting community center, building new condos. Those are jobs! Meanwhile these kids- total mess!"

Thankfully they're only in control of every branch of government.

What's weird is that these went from being such a mainstay on this site to largely disappearing at around the same time the listicle format was exploding with cracked and buzzfeed. Despite being the pioneer now the avclub seem like imitators.

All the worst businesses and sectors are booming. Goldman Sachs, private prisons, for profit schools, Raytheon, Reynolds American…. it's like the kleptocracy hasn't even started and the reprobates are profiting.

That's what he says … but we just don't know. Hell the "Wall" might end up being the most successful economic stimulus since the WPA, or a make work disaster that does nothing but enrich a few cronies. Trump has already indicated that he's going to pursue an unprecedented level of government interference with

So much of what's happened already in the economy just seems so counterintuitive. The money side seems to think, despite the possible social consequences, Trump is going to rev up the economy into next gear as the GOP reeembraces Keynesian stimulus. My gut and just everything else is telling me we're heading for a

Well that removes my interest entirely

You're 6 years too late

Hmm… I have always wanted to buy international bootleg gin via a pop culture website.

Uh I watched a series of documentaries about a certain She Wolf of the SS that seems to indicate they were very progressive.

Surprise, they're only cutting the DI. The new SS will be taking care of all the disabled whether they want it or not.

It's a perfect companion to "When the Wind Blows" for when you want some really grim mid 80s UK apocalypses

Seconded on Threads. It's definitely dated but still holds up.

If you want a vision of the future imagine pantsuits rapping on a human face- forever.