Tim Tankerd

You can have these or Biden memes. You won't get health care or social security so take what you can.

It could be built into the host's knuckles so every punch is a miniature MRI

Boy this will either be super awesome or a campy mess.

Can speculation be a spoiler though? Like if they were just using "textual" analysis based on what we saw isn't that considered acceptable in comments section?

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a solid connection between Bros "reclaiming" words like faggot and the "anti-pc" crusade that propelled Trump to victory.

Um, where do you think Dr Carson lives? A wigwam? No it's a house. And have you checked the melanin chart? Dude is clearly urban. Sounds like the one who has a real problem is you!

Hey remember when that white kid in a MAGA hat killed those people and ate their faces off? The lengths to which the police went to take him into custody instead of shooting him should be the ultimate example of the fuckedness of the bias.

Honestly what about all the concussions and accidental injuries? Getting "knocked out" has severe neurological repercussions and seems to be a major element of any campaign that exists further away from town. The Man In Black's real quest should probably be a cure for CTE.

Do they call me the bridge builder? No. You watch one raccoon fuck one pigeon and for the rest of your life…

Yes but don't forget what Red Lobster does to assess. It's a deadly snowball effect. You take 450,000 asses to Red Lobster and by the time they're on their second platter of cheddar bay biscuits and you can only fit 430,000 asses tops.

So it looks like the offspring of a raccoon that fucked a pigeon…

The candidate confessional with Weiner in that brief window between sex scandals is a hell of a listen. Dude is just a compulsive politician who cannot stop self-destructing

Exactly. There won't ever be a reckoning. The media well is poisoned. Legacy journalism is on its last legs. Distracted apathy will grow and the electorate will shrink. The GOP have stumbled onto the ultimate con: let Trump draw controversy while they cut, ban and exploit what they want. When the system finally

"Decency? You mean DNC? You mean Pizzagate!"

Boy do you think there will be congressional hearings on Pizzagate? Special prosecutor to uncover links between global pedophile ring and the DNC? There is literally nothing to stop that from happening.

But what about Mike Meyers' Japanese guy character? That counts as half an Asian host.

I've been rereading Mad magazines from the 70s and they really were brilliant and incredibly dense. Most of it still holds up.

What's really interesting is he only seems to respond to what he sees on television with no indication he reads anything whatsoever. Just nonstop CNN/ Fox News and snl. A truly Machiavellian network head could program directly to Trump and become like the electronic vizier really in power. Like the cold open on snl

That's not PC to say though. You've got to couch it in terms of "culture" and "human biodiversity"

There was plenty of cocaine to be had by his middle age. Wine enriched with cocaine was the 4 Loko of the second half of the nineteenth century