Tim Tankerd

That's a very revisionist take on Cooper Union's financial problems. It was not a single expensive building, it was very standard greed coupled with the desire to "beat the market" and increase the endowment through aggressive financial instruments. They chased their losses by investing more in hedge funds and

"yet we have always recovered our stride and bounced back like the sea"

Damn microbiome. You need to really clean out the system after you lose weight and get on those probiotics and drink that kombucha. People who lose and rapidly regain weight have gut microbes that are always sabotaging

"You hear that Kevin? Ya read about that? He gave that joke a thumbs up but no one could tell"

I give it two years before the west coast is annexed by China and the only GJI will be weibo posts about how glorious the new government is.

Hmm… a device that is always on, always listening, and is connected to third party servers based in the United States. So everything said in the privacy of my own home can, at best, be turned into proprietary marketing data and, at worst, provide the government with an untraceable record of your entire life to mine

"Yes Apocalypse's power set is completely undefined and god-like and his plan is based on a vague combination of world domination and or global genocide but he'd be absolutely powerless without backup from a guy with wings or a samurai chick"

Apocalypse was truly awful. The plot was just ludicrous. And when they use Auschwitz for a big CG setpiece they transcended from "bad" to "actual insult to humanity".

What really surprised me was how casually racist it was. The fiery Latino was a literal fiery Latino. The King Croc stuff was just jaw dropping.

Trump is the ultimate proof that not only did no one ever go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public but some get elected

I don't know, he's just another in a very long line of theocratic supply side stooges; we know his type and we've beat them before. Trump is such a terrifying combination of incompetency and extreme narcissism and a complete lack of ideological underpinnnings. He just can't be gamed out. And he is (somehow) an

They've also got a plan for even more mass disenfranchisement. We've seen what they've accomplished with a Dem AG and DOJ. Given free reign the eligible electorate is likely going to look very different in four years

He was a tremendous manipulator of public opinion and was widely popular. The Constitution of the Year 8 (aka the Plebiscite) was a fairly resounding ratification of popular opinion towards the dashing young Consul.

Modern Batman should quit vigilante crime fighting and focus on lobbying for criminal justice reform in Gotham and the reinstatement of the death penalty. Spending that kind of effort to ensure that the genuine super-villains are put to death under the aegis of the law (or at the very least transferred to a Federal

Because he let Jeffretariat go to Vietnam for him

If you want a vision of the future imagine Trump's tweets stamping on a human face- forever.

It's honestly terrifying

Oh it definitely works but talk to anyone who owns a dispensary about it and you'll find near universal disgust. They do all the worst things that Yelp does. Weedmaps may not have as appealing an app but they're relatively transparent, have partnered with NORML and aren't funded by a cartoonishly evil Trump

Yeah there was a moment there when Drew could probably have sold that site for hundreds of millions. Now, not so much.

For much more information I really recommend watching some of what Adam Curtis has been putting out. "Hypernormalisation" is great but a bit of a slog.