Tim Tankerd

Huh, Fark is still a thing. Boy howdy it's been a strange decade on the internet.

God I can remember when I had no shame about using Reddit and would show it to friends. Starting with Violentacrez, building with fatpeoplehate and cresting with the Pao fatwa the wave of disgust I've cultivated over that website has been a long time coming. The Donald was really the last straw.

Turning the front page of one of the largest websites in the world into a nonstop torrent of shit from stormfront and /pol/ is a huge issue. Online radicalization of disaffected white youth (red-pilling) is a serious problem. Exposing that ideology to such a wide audience seems like the recipe for a thousand Dylan

Yup. The morning after a presidential candidate threatened to jail his opponent if he won the only thing people wanted to talk about was a cherubic jackass spewing talking points about energy extraction.

Oh they're the worst. They're behind Leafly which is an app for finding dispensaries. Unless you agree to advertising deals with them they bury the search results and promote your competitors to anyone who uses the app. The fact that they're also into distributing their own house brand products is just the most

You got to use trim to get trim.

Lol, watching corporate money try and enter the weed market is generally hilarious. Like the Marley Naturals brand (which is backed by Peter Thiel's Privateer Holdings hedge fund) has spent so much money on marketing, branding, making glossy advertisements and in store displays, producing a wide range of products

Well stop visiting the morbid obesity support forums and BBW fetish sites and the quality of your cookies will improve.

I'm really not looking forward to seeing his portrait in ever post office and customs check.

The fact that people like Scott Adams and Bill Mitchell can now honestly say "we were right" is one of the most galling things about Trump.

She was 15

Huh, I guess there was still a version of those clubs operating pretty recently in Austin

Speaking of which it's definitely worth reading Rabin's poem about being a butthurt libtard

What's really weird is Harry Potter is a direct descendant of the "boarding school scamps" genre made so familiar through thing like "Goodbye Mr Chips" and "Malory Towers" which were adapted from books written nearly a century ago. So it's a form of nostalgia derived from nostalgia.

Actually that's the kind of ad hominem fallacy we see often from your typical Tumblrina SJW and their cuck apologists. Sad.

Not one mention of Nick Wiger and the Doughboy brigade? But that's Cuckmander-in-Chief!

Followed by Jefferson's famous corollary: "the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice".

It's a brilliant strategy. They can cut all the shit they've wanted to cut, decimate the agencies they want shut down, and effectuate a massive wealth transfer to the richest while Trump generates all scandal and bullshit. When the system finally reacts and collapses they can blame Trump. Then next election cycle

Dude is playing so fast and loose already it feels like impeachment will be a given. But under the GOP dominated congress having Trump as lightning rod/ stalking horse will give them the cover to do whatever they want while still having Trump as a sacrifice/ scapegoat for when the gig is up.