Tim Tankerd

I'd bet that the majority of them are part of the "Men Going Their Own Way" movement and have so throughly internalized this kind of toxic thinking that they're literally incapable of even relating to the other sex. But they have an awesome guild on Eve Online and are learning how to throw knives so it's not a total

I prefer "Anime Nazis".

He lost me when he stopped walking and started lecturing on the inappropriateness of half educated tenement Scots working in journalism.

I used to be like you. Tried to stick with my local subs and the occasional niche hobby. I made it through the violentacrez "doxxing" and the veneration of "jail bait" by keeping my head down. When the site turned into a maelstrom of gendered and racist hate directed towards their CEO ("Chairman Pao") I kept my

Don't talk like that to our new Secretary of Transportation

Similar to Neal Stephenson and Snow Crash. I really think there's something to it. Trump just spews this bizarrely effective NLP speak that is like a cancer for whatever medium it's being cultivated in. Like he is this parasitic agent that is infecting our national consciousness with his own feeble and deranged

I've got a ton of affection for X. They've been screwed over coming and going by the two demographic juggernauts on either side and they just keep plugging along being snarky and working two jobs.

Hmm… maybe the Duchy of Manhattan under Arch Duke Barron the Ninth.

Yes, but unfortunately the future ends pretty abruptly in about 16 months. But the good news is that The Walking Dead really picks up the quality in time for the second half of the current season and that the finale of Westworld is both cryptic and unsatisfactory.

"We nuked Israel!"

The way I see it happening is he continues to cozy up with hardcore Hindu nationalists (some of whom are his business partners) and increases the "War on Islam" tension to the point that an exchange between Pakistan and India is likely. I can see Pakistan just going all in and deciding to take out Tel Aviv which

Housing? Can't argue with that!
Urban? Well he's definitely "inner city"
Development? Heck 2 out of 3 ain't bad!

Sounds like another French terrorist!

The Chesepeake and Ohio Canal could have been huge if not for that meddling Perry White and that insufferable Lois Lane!

At this point I'm assuming global thermonuclear exchange under Trump and will be pleasantly surprised if he only manages to trash America for the next five generations instead of the human race for the next five hundred.

That poor child is a momma's boy who speaks broken English with a Slovenian accent.


Boy he is absolutely delightfully awful in "Hacksaw Ridge". His performance alone elevates into the "artful camp" category over the "Australian ensemble grindhouse/ war cliche"

William Fontaine dela Tour Dauterive or gtfo