Tim Tankerd

Or "Kumiko: Treasure Hunter"

"No, you don't get it. The narrator is intentionally telling a bad boilerplate pastiche of common fantasy tropes". Such nonsense. Reminds me of the (far, far superior) Gary Jennings book "Aztec" where the unreliability of the narrator introduced considerable tension throughout the whole book while still telling a

Huh, I like "Gary Stu". I called him a "Larry Sue" in a different comment. Pretty egregious that so many readers defined the character the same. I found them just unreadable.

They're really bad. Character is a pure "Larry Sue" where the narrative is constantly bending over backwards to present him as the greatest (lover, musician, wizard and whatever) that ever lived. Not at all a fan.

God those books were so overrated. The first one is decent but the character slips so deep into "Larry Sue" territory that by the second they're almost unreadable.

That willful blindness is deeply ingrained. Watching Ben Shapiro "discover" anti-Semitism highlights the ideological blinders people wear

It's the hot new middle aged movement sweeping the country. Gen X Ocide is the ultimate expression of that patented meh attitude through massive generational suicide!

While poor JWoww was kidnapped and hunted for sport by a Saudi Prince.

Well it certainly can't compare to your extensive posting on the AV Club when it comes to publicizing the existence of genocide.

The Situation made enough money in those brief years of being a "national punchline" to just live off the dividends of his investments alone and still have enough capital to establish an endowment for Abdominal Studies at Harvard after he's dead.

I don't know, they've been pretty active in publicizing the Armenian Genocide and providing a counterpoint to Turkish revisionism.

Taotronics are awesome. They're the best and the cheapest Chinese knockoffs of more expensive brands I've found and the quality is definitely comparable.

Wally was the best and a really tragic character

Shandling has been one of the worst. It always felt like he was just sitting on some brilliant script about aging, Buddhism and whatever just waiting to release it. The way he totally overhauled his diet and took up boxing… death is really a bitch.

Heck just look back at how innocent we all were just in October

Ah yes, the Hatshepsut/ Gerald Ford maneuver.

He also proposed revoking citizenship for free speech violations and it's not even eight am on the west coast. I reckon that Bannon is just whispering in his ear to keep all media attention and focus on whatever he tweets instead of the moral reprobates with which he's stocking his cabinet. It's terrifyingly

How naive to assume any of us will still be alive in 2019. One year to consolidate power, one year to increase global tensions to unsustainable levels through religious war, the abandonment of democracy, international trade disputes and abject resource plundering and then one year to just let them nukes fly!

So now that we're soon to be objectively living in a dystopia do you think the pop culture pendulum will swing back to fantasy escapism? Or we are just going to wallow in near future dystopias while things like citizenship are revoked due to free speech violations and we openly plunder the world's resources and "take

Could you go a chicken supper Bobby Sands?
Could you go a chicken supper, ye dirty Fennian fucker!
Could you go a chicken supper Bobby Sands?