Tim Tankerd

Or you could tell them that the human creative urge control coupled with the collective unconscious causes humanity to gravitate towards certain archetypical characters functioning within a simplistic representation of our greater society. That the "Betty" vs "Veronica" dichotomy, for instance, is indicative of

An asexual compulsive eater who is likely on the autism spectrum?

Fucccboi is the preferred nomenclature.

Whither my Star Wipe Bar Wipes?

A ludicrously expensive ad for a ludicrously expensive product. Say what you will about the concentrated wealth of the ancien regime but they at least took the time to fix a road or a bridge or something.

Triangle as in pizza slice. Pizza slice as in Pizzagate. Pizzagate as in international globalist child trafficking sex ring. International globalist child trafficking sex ring as in the federal government. The federal government as in the Federalist Papers. The Federalist Papers as in James Madison. James

He seems a decent enough chap. Got into Sandhurst and his hobbies are horsemanship. Apparently he's quite good and has a successful stunt horse business.. You couldn't ask for more from a child of the British upper classes. He's certainly not trying for any African coups like old Mark Thatcher

Ahh yes my favorite varietal: "red". Is there a better expression of the vintner's art and mastery of terroir than a well developed "red"? Wait isn't Cabernet Sauvignon also colored red? I'm starting to think this company was more concerned with marketing than wine making.

But this is the other Iraq!

The Iraq slogan is super sectarian. It's literally the motto of the Kurdistan Tourist Board

Praytell good sir, is there a Lake Trout shoppe left for the discerning Wirephile?

Anne Frankly I'm tired of it.

Venezuela pulling no punches. "It's a failed state: you've arrived at your destination"

I watched this movie last night for the first time. I was astounded by how racist it is. The fiery Latino is literally a fiery Latino. You could write a thesis on how retrograde the entire portrayal of King Croc was. The way the whole thing culminates in a BET joke made my jaw drop.

How many Tamils does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

They read it aloud on this weeks "Chapo Traphouse" and they pull no punches.

I really hope they'll be okay. I could definitely see them pulling a Peter Thiel on the NYT and just entangling them in never ending trials and lawsuits backed by the power of the federal government.

It's only going to get worse. The NY Times are on a financial deathwatch. CNN has every corporate motivation to play nice with Trump. The well has been so poisoned that any kind of "received reporting" will be ignored. The Post can survive as a billionaire's plaything but the media landscape will be

Liberal concerns: was Jost's joke rooted in a fundamentally problematic positionality?
