Tim Tankerd

Rule one: be trim
Rule two: don't go bald
Rule three: keep your tongue firmly in cheek and don't take yourself too seriously

It's unfortunate but it's so firmly entrenched in our society that Democrats can't touch it. I have hope for major gun control reforms but the political reality is they'll have to be led by republicans. The gun lobby is too powerful and there are just too many voters that are single issue on guns. I don't see a

It may be ugly and bad for the country but until the Democrats embrace gun rights (a-la Bernie) they will always be hamstrung by a significant portion of the electorate. If Sandy Hook couldn't spur bipartisan gun control I can't honestly conceive what would. Gun control is a losing proposition that has dragged down

She had absolutely no compelling vision or strategy beyond being "not Trump" and being a woman. The DNC and the establishment were willing to ignore the fact that this person came with more baggage, scandals, voter disgust and rock bottom poll ratings based on the reassuring op-eds arguing she "was vetted" by the

From today's "NYTimes":

Trump's the kind of guy to always choose name brand over generic. I'm sure whatever amphetamine blend he's been prescribed are only the finest.

Fat stacks of early nineties Viacom cash are a hell of an incentive.

The whole election was such a mindfuck. It's been pretty standard Leftist orthodoxy that the system is absolutely corrupt; aimed at increasing corporate profits over social goods and in thrall to endless war. To have a candidate actually call out this mutually agreed upon lie was bracing enough that I could see the

The election was such a mindfuck. The Democrats became the party of big business and the status quo. There's been like this collectively agreed upon lie that yes, America is absolutely a broken and degenerate empire defined by inequality but don't actually say anything about it. Bernie spoke about it and Trump

I'm convinced of it. During the primaries we saw the full force of the corporate-centrist-consensus deployed against Bernie and his fearsome Bros. There was genuine panic about the party lurching leftwards. This election proved that people don't really care about orthodoxy and ideology- what matters is their party

Truly it was a swelling and prideful moment when Hillary sang her proud progressive paen during the primaries, boldly planting her flag and firmly standing up for the cause of a lower minimum wage in the face of Sanders. A tear rolled down my cheek when I heard that stiring old time cry "not $15.00 but how about

Yes, don't underestimate Hillary's negatives. She really was an awful candidate who never cracked 50% approval. Looking at the poll averages over the last year it was a constant case of Trump opening his mouth, his numbers plummet, Hillary goes "in for the kill" and watches her own numbers plummet until they were

What could the American Left possibly offer the economically disadvantaged? Identity politics? Social inclusion? If only there were a recent example of someone who generated exceptional levels of grassroots enthusiasm and momentum by relying on traditional Leftist rhetoric and economic populism. Maybe they could

Yup, Hillary and her team were obsessed with "running up the score". They gave up the spotlight for months in order to chase down any low level Bush staffer's endorsement; focused on mythical moderate republicans, neglected base turnout (and, due to their poor data a large chunk of what they did turn out were Trump

If anyone was curious about the "Chilean soccer stadiums"

They pulled it off brilliantly. Made a huge fuss about voter fraud then undertook a massive coordinated disenfranchisement campaign in plain sight.

He did a fashion show ("Yeezy Season Four") recently which included a casting notice for "multiracial" girls to act as props.

I always recommend this video to get a good handle on things

What possible conflict of interest could there be in using his privately owned hotel as an antechamber to the White House?

Barron is a weak kid! Speaks with Slovenian accent-always on the cyber. Kid is a total mess!