Tim Tankerd

There was more panic and pearl clutching among the DNC and the media corporate complex about the Sanders candidacy challenging the centrist corporate friendly status quo than there was about Trump. They were happier to lose with a "moderate" than to win with a genuine leftist.

Trump will bring the ERA back!

That's what's so terrifying. I can see them ginning up the base with an anti-abortion amendment while slipping in a new poll tax or restricting suffrage to "makers" and not takers.

Goddamn sophisticated ivory tower Peorians with their latte limousine liberalism.

His next step will be to smash the powers of the cities. Removing federal funding from LA and New York as sanctuary cities will set up a nasty conflict. Hell him just going to Trump Tower to chill will cost the city of New York and the United States economy billions in lost revenue from the militarized takeover of

[fascist gets elected]
wow i cant believe khaleesi lost to voldemort
[armed men line me up against a wall]
this is just like when katniss-

How many seats in the House of Representatives is the popular vote worth? Senate? When she hands in her popular vote coupons can she trade them in for a cabinet appointment or one filibuster to be determined later?

They didn't turn up because Hillary's campaign was an absolute clusterfuck that neglected maximizing turnout in urban areas in the hopes of "running up the score" with moderate republicans and states like Arizona.

How would it be possible to lose worse than Clinton? After a certain threshold the GOP gets to kill a Supreme Court justice?

She was truly an awful candidate; the weakest possible at the worst possible time.

God it's going to be four years of this bullshit

He honestly can't be gamed out. You can put Pence and Ryan on a very understandable spectrum of people in American politics. They're both beholden to and the product of the whole libertarian/objectivist/supply side cult. Trump is beholden to no one. His only consistent ideology is authoritarian and his main

Trump knows we know this. Dude is playing us on a wide scale. This note from The Atlantic lays it out well:

And the biggest twist turns out to be she's a furry who used to play the role of Mayor McCheese before her parents got cancer and had to finish their Netflix queue.

He inspired me to vote for David Pumpkins!

Theaters hold VIP ticket spaces. If Debbie Wasserman Schulz can get seven Hamilton tickets for a college reunion I bet the Vice President elect can score some seats at last minute.

I think Trump is the special sauce that lets it happen. Without him the edifice crumbles and reveals the same old GOP.

He's the perfect stalking horse. The man is teflon; scandals don't stick. While the world is bleating about theater decorum or whatever Trump called Rosie this week Ryan et al have just destroyed Medicare and privatized social security.

According to the best investigative reporting it's a 60,000 weave from someone who has an office a floor away from Trump

Maybe Biden does it in the next couple weeks and gets pardoned before Obama leaves office.