Tim Tankerd

First they came for Peter Frampton and I did not speak up
Then they came for Meat Loaf

There is a significantly higher risk of a global thermonuclear exchange under Trump. Encouraging nuclear proliferation, condoning Russian aggression and allying himself with the most hard line Hindu nationalists will have long term effects that will dramatically increase the possibility of life as we know it ending.

It's got Bannon's grubby little fingers all over it. Bullshit controversies over theater decorum is a distraction from terrifying things like Jeff Sessions as AG.

Cuz there sure won't be a 2018!

Little Beirut standing by

It's definitely the worst case scenario but if Trump just dumps tons of stimulus on infrastructure and starts super quantitative easing paid for with tax cuts he might be in a place where the Trumpists can primary most of the old school GOP. With a hard right Supreme Court, things going well economically and a big

He just saw him wearing blackface and thought he'd fit right in

I think it's one of those political lessons that show Bernie could have won. Turns out people don't give a shit about party ideology or orthodoxy. Two candidates in both primaries were challenging the bipartisan consensus, only one won.

Yup. Everyone thinking "oh Trump'll just dick around on twitter" should be terrified by the people who'll be in power.

I'm not a socialist national; I'm a National Socialist!

The republicans are literally a single state legislature away from having enough of a majority to call a constitutional convention in order to repeal or add new amendments. That's what should be terrifying.

That fucking bird. We should have listened to it.

"Hamilton tickets for every American! Seven of them!"

"Hey we still have 43 states and we're only going to pay reparations to China for the next ten decades. Tremendous".

Honestly I think Bannon won the election by bringing Bill's accusers to the second debate. The pussy tape was Hillary's one shot at running away with it and Bannon negated it.

Yup! Such willful blindness. Hillary has been hated for decades by a major portion of the electorate. Assuming that she'd be given "a fair shake" or that the countless attacks on her had made her "stronger and vetted" was one of the major errors of the entire campaign.

Surrounded by a circle of sycophantic royalist bees and a dog man hybrid on magic roller skates battling a space dragon.

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine Harry Potter sequels stamping on a human face- forever"

Goddamn that's a flashback. Probably my first exposure (along with that George Washington video) to content explicitly made for the internet.