Tim Tankerd

"I wish Chris Christie was humiliated and the power of the Koch brothers broken! I can't imagine any potential downside"

Don't worry. You'll be seeing them all the time after Trump makes the whole clan the head of the EPA

Definitely. I'm baffled by the focus on such an inherently problematic character as Cyborg. Dude is a castrated black man who works as the Justice League's chauffeur.

It also comes across as super cheap and cost cutting.

Look when space sends us its extraterrestrial dragons they're not sending us the best. They're sending Annihilus, Fin Fang Fooms and Blastarrs and some, I assume, are good monsters.

Yeah I remember coming across all this after the invasion of Crimea, then watching it get ramped up with Brexit and then delivering the coup de grace with Trump. The next step will Le Pen in France leading to the dissolution of the EU. It's a scary time.

That's what I thought until I read this:

It's a great video, from Charlie Brooker (Black Mirror) 2014 year in review on the BBC . The filmmaker, Adam Curtis, is doing some of the most exciting documentary work there is today. If you just want to read a summary check out this Medium piece https://medium.com/@resniko…

A portfolio high in distilled ethanol is bound to pay off for the thirsty investor!

Trump is a teetotaler with deep anti-drug misgivings. His chief advisors like Giuliani, Sessions and Pence are all old school prohibitionists. People forget how long the transition to recreational sales was in WA and CO, they were paralyzed until the DOJ released this memo:

It terrifies me. There's no do-over. These people are painfully incompetent. The bureaucratic deep state is the backbone of our goddamn country. There's no joy at laughing at the profoundly incompetent transition team knowing that in a few months these people will have some of the most important jobs in the

There's something so desperate about them. Like "sure every incremental social gain this country made over the past twenty years is going to be repealed by a President with a white nationalist chief adviser but imagine if Biden wanted to dress up as a piñata and scare Barron!"

I wouldn't even mind if the lies were standard propaganda from a state entity. This nihilist "clickbait" does nothing but sow distrust and uncertainty, one of the central hallmarks of non-linear warfare.

where the great plains begin?

How are people responding financially? I've gone from your standard "Johnny Index Fund" to this weird goldbug/cryptocurrency mindset. The people I mocked ("haha good luck with your shiny rock; I'm making fat stacks on DRIP") I have become.

Travolta's not divorced; he already has a private jet to fly around in and his home literally has two runways for takeoffs and landings. What on earth is he making these films for? Can the money be that good? Is he that desperate?

You can't spell fin-de-siècle without Fun!

Smell yer ma ye wee bawbag septic, ye kennit?

Huh I was going to make a joke but some quick googling reveals that the Pinkertons are definitely still a thing and they're focused on "holistic corporate risk management"

It's real life Schopenhauerian fin de siecle degeneration. Retreating into ego mania and mysticism are two of the hallmarks. I'm guessing that the same generation which unironically tells people what Hogwarts House they belong to on the same facebook wall they spend six hours a day on fits the definition to a T.