Tim Tankerd

Fuck, even if all things were equal and Sanders had just maxed out the millenial vote he could have swung this thing. Every voice and assumption that said Bernie was unelectable said the same about Trump. If we had gone down swinging with an unabashedly Leftist candidate with no mealymouthed centrism but full on

There was so much blindness and misplaced faith in selecting Clinton. The country has had a hate cannon aimed her way for thirty years. This wasn't a surprise. There was the myopic assumption that because the investigations against her had turned out to be "nothingburgers" they wouldn't matter. The assumption

Gee, the child actor son of an itinerant rodeo clown has unresolved father issues that cause him to lash out at perceived paternal and authority figures? Wow.

I look back at how much astonishment there was when Bernie won Michigan. It was treated as an outlier instead of a clear bellwether. God how much digital ink was spilled decrying the problematic enthusiasm of the Bernie Bros? The DNC has proven itself utterly rotten and rudderless.

That's Grand Legate Labial Lunge to plebes like us.

It felt like Samantha Bee was the only one who saw this coming. Oliver's attitude of disdainful "I won't sully my show commenting on this boor" transitioning to his noblesse oblige when he deigned to demolish Drumpf with a masterfully produced segment has really stuck in my craw. Our culture is in a race to the

I honestly don't think Democratic messaging and instincts will have any effect. Insurance goes away? More Obamacare hangovers. Medicare now privatized? Obamacare hangover. Roving death squads? Obamacare hangover.

Long live Pepe

C and O Canal 2017! We're making the swamp ten feet higher!

Yup. While two dozen Harvard educated comedy writers sat down using their full brain trust and the vast monetary resources of Time Warner to "take down Drumpf" a couple of Floridian teenagers from Stormfront were getting ten times the viewer engagement and impression reach using memes about nazi frogs and KKKlinton.

I just don't know anymore. I genuinely thought the debt default crisis was such a fundamental abrogation of government responsibility that it would end up being the high water mark for the GOP and for obstructionism. Now I see that it did nothing.

Bannon is the perfect blend of Goebbels and Bormann. I see Giuliani as something of a Himmler if he gets in at the DHS

This depresses me:

There's a real "Monkey's Paw"/ Devil's Bargain vibe going on. Like I dreamed of seeing the Koch brothers' power broken and Chris Christie being humiliated but not like this. Not like this!

The question of whether Sanders could have won is going to be one of the left's great bugbears in the future. Would a full throated defense of progressive values that challenged the bipartisan consensus and was backed by the full grassroots enthusiasm of his supporters have worked? It's certainly hard to see how we

The lesson from this election and eight years of GOP obstructionism is that "going high" or having the moral high ground are legitimate weaknesses. The minority party doesn't get punished for obstruction. Dirty tricks, lies, misinformation and ratfucking don't just work; they work spectacularly.


I was just thinking about how insular we are and we ignored what was right in front of our eyes

I literally just found out there are two Warren Ellis' based on your post. I always assumed the dude who wrote "Transmetropolitan" happened to also be able to jam.