Tim Tankerd

That's Secretary of State Baio to plebes like us.

I'm just waiting for the second term bigly annexation of Canada.

I'm terrified it'll be Biden/Brazile with Warren/Ellison running third party to ensure maximum disaster.

The fact that Burnett and Zucker are likely sitting on enough genuinely loathsome material to sink Trump a dozen times over is infuriating. Imagine if the Podesta emails daily leaks had been countered by a daily different clip of apprentice outtakes.

The only people he's beholden too are the alt-right and his loathsome courtiers. Ryan is going to get primaried so hard he'll make Eric Cantor look like Huey Long

Yup. I'd hate to be living in Taiwan, the Baltics or Georgia right about now.

We had two candidates addressing this deep dissatisfaction with the status quo and bipartisan consensus. Wondering if Bernie could've pulled it off is going to make the next four years even worse.

I'm counting down the days until his first tweet about the "problems with the (((media)))".

Burnett and Zucker have access to enough old Apprentice tapes to have destroyed Trump. Their cowardice won't be forgotten.

I was just thinking about Tina Fey. Eight years ago she'd "destroyed" Palin who has spent the ensuing years as a national laughing stock. Now she'll be fucking secretary of the interior while Tina is working on her middling rated Netflix show

Oh yeah. Christie laid out his plan of action at the RNC. This will gratify the base and crush the left and destroy any residual faith that norms and institutions can save us.

People ought to read this

A huge percentage of Trump's appeal from day one has been about racial resentment. From being a birther to blaming Mexicans to threatening to ban Muslims it's not hard to see the common thread that's carried him this far.

Honestly I think the one chance there to take him on directly in the debates was Rubio going full "dumb Donald with the small hands". That genuinely unnerved him and seemed to neutralize him quite a bit in a way that nothing else did. If that had happened earlier in the election cycle and Rubio hadn't had Jeb focus

Overestimating the strength of the old school republic Koch/ALEC ideologues was a big reason Trump won the primaries. The primaries are going to be a bloodbath of any but the most Breitbarted.

Oh there's no doubt that the U.K. leaving the Eu may prove increasingly prescient in the not too distant future but the direction things are heading there aren't much brighter. London is turning into a giant hedge fund and REIT, Scotland is on the way out, Labour is in for years of Corbynite infighting and North

Truly the darkest thing to happen in 2016. Never Furget.

It can be both. She was a historically hated candidate but a huge amount of Trump's appeal was in racial scapegoating and resentment against the first black president. He came to political prominence claiming Obama was inelgible to run because he was born in Kenya and ran on a campaign to repeal everyone of his

The primaries are going to be a bloodbath/ night of the long knives. Can the full economic strength and ideological purity of Koch and ALEC defeat Trump's bully pulpit and the passionate intensity of his followers? Let's just say if I were a Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, Lindsey Graham or Paul Ryan I wouldn't be looking

The ability of the Democrats to snatch defeat from the claws of victory shouldn't be underestimated. I wouldn't be surprised if its like Biden/Brazile