Tim Tankerd

Well it's not like the electoral college is a surprise. The campaign knew what was coming. Instead of strengthening the firewall and maximizing minority turnout in battleground states the focus was on "running up the score". How much DNC money and attention went into fucking Texas, Arizona and Utah this cycle?

It's sad that what should be "common sense" has just disappeared under the barrage of hate and misinformation.

Let's be clear. Online radicalization of whites is a huge threat. Dylan Roof is someone who was 100% radicalized through stormfront. A hardcore contingent of the alt-right are unabashed white supremacists who aren't stupid and they just won the Presidency. They're smart, fully radicalized and well organized. A

I really lost a lot of faith in Obama based on the Garland rollout. Instead of trying to fire up his base to put pressure on the GOP he chose a centrist compromise and waited for the sternly written op-eds to do the work for him.

It was done with full irony and deliberate malice. They knew that if they kept putting out those KKKlinton memes with her and Byrd they could affect black and millenial support/turnout just enough to move the needle a bit and it fully worked. Do you think the alt right genuinely believes Marina Abramovich, for

God the worst thing was the assumption that the attacks against her "made her vetted" and that the investigations against her had turned out to be "nothingburgers". We've known the hate and vitriol against her was unlike any candidate we've ever seen and put our faith in the narrative of progress and the hope that

Because they figured out how to "hack" the mainstream media. The path from a meme on /r/thedonald to a headline in the Drudge Report to a tweet from Trump and full dispersal among all media organs is a short one. The left tried to micro target the celebrity stuff with the Broad City cameo or the post on the The

This may be my favorite ongoing series since "dying Netflix couple". I like the serial elements and I think the art and tone really work.

I keep thinking. If only Kaisich had decided to just sacrifice his political career and taken up the offer to be Trump's vp and run the country things would be so much different. Dude could have sabotaged the campaign from the inside or played the long centrist con. Now it's legitimately the worst possible people

Like the literal nazis told us what they'd do (weaponized hate and misinformation aka Meme Magic), told us our institutions are rotten (all the newspaper editorials, ALEC ideologues and big money couldn't swing this thing) and then said they're going to be shifting the Overton window and radicalizing enough white

Oh yeah. That centrist "pragmatic liberal" authoritative voice that has permeated the DNC and the few surviving legacy media with liberal leaning is a huge element in our defeat. All the "common sense" voices (I include myself here) and superdelegates saying it was "her turn", decrying the grassroots enthusiasm of

I only like wine when it comes in a bag, I'm a huge fan of apocalyptic firestorms and open pit mining and I can't vote without a sausage and a sandwich made with yeast extract. Is there a place for me down under?

Seeing him live these days is a really amazing experience (sometimes). He's in a place now where he can do a solid 45-60 minute set and it will be fine but some nights the notion takes him and he'll do six hours, keep the theatre open and finish with inviting the audience to a strip club.

Hillary lost white women, whites with college degrees and white millenials. I just don't know how this can be spun beyond "racial resentment, both explicit and sublimated, over the first black president".

Maybe not the best candidate but she's definitely a goddamn trooper. She's absorbed thirty years worth of weaponized hate in an attempt to destroy her and kept struggling forward. God it will be genuinely crushing when attorney general Christie and Giuliani's DOJ go full "lock her up" and kangaroo court on Hillary.

I'm guessing liberals have so thoroughly won the "culture war" in terms of media and popular culture we've grown complacent because "no one" could vote for Trump after Samantha Bee, Joss Whedon, Michelle Obama, Gail Collins John Oliver, or Seth Meyers etc "destroyed them". It's why there's been more sustained outrage

I gotta say, "going high when they go low" sure didn't win us the election. The most depressing thing is that Bannon bringing all of Bill's accusers to the debate likely won Trump the election. That tape was the one opening for Hillary to run away with this thing and Bannon sufficiently muddied the waters to the

Unfortunately the only approved art is going to be Dilbert and Omarosa's watercolors.

There's got to be at least one benefit to being a childless disaffected adult who took high school Spanish.

It's hard to imagine a more sweeping victory than Bannon as chief of staff. Maybe Milo as press secretary.