Tim Tankerd

Commandante Dikachu will come by to collect your children tomorrow.

Honestly with the EU on its way to dissolution and the U.K. thoroughly fucked I guess we're running out of options. Unless Canada overhauls their immigration policies (they won't) I don't know what's left. New Zealand? Uruguay?

Goddamn. It's all so predictable. There's going to be another police killing or terror attack under Trump and growing civil unrest because of shit like this and the reactionary response of a Trump presidency with a fully radicalized FBI and NSA is going to be inconceivable.

Yup. It seems pretty clear the FBI has self-radicalized. Given a free reign we're going to see some scary shit.

"Helter Skelter 2018! Get your dune buggies ready and your creepy crawling on because this is it baby!"

Trump may not care but Giuliani or Christie as attorney general or in charge of the DOJ definitely are true believers when it comes to marijuana prohibition. Pence has been in the pocket of big tobacco for decades and that is one lobby that wants to shut it down.

I'd hate to be Taiwanese or living in the Baltics now. What I'm afraid of is the deficit will just explode after the last of the old GOP is gutted by Trumpites in the midterm primaries and the Trump stimulus boom getting paid for with tax cuts. The EU is one election and one more euro crisis away from collapse.

Agreed. I'll take "Every man a king" and racial reconciliation and black outreach over "make America great again" and the alt-right.

I'm guessing head of the DHS.

The Left has proven itself to be completely ineffectual. Obama faced with GOP obstruction should have gone scorched earth on them instead of tacking to the middle and trying to meet them halfway.

Fucking Dickstein. Dude still has a street named after him in NYC.

The extrajudicial murder of Carrot Top will be the one thing I applaud Trump for doing.

The only consistent ideology he's ever had is authoritarianism and the crushing of dissent. This is a guy who has been praising Tiananmen square for decades. Honestly the next time there's a terror attack or any kind of targeted police killings the crackdown we're going to see with the full surveillance and control

He terrifies me. He knows exactly what he's doing and how to do it. I see a lot of Martin Borrman in how he's constructing these different circles of power and access to Trump and trying to route them through him. Honestly I think he won the election. Bringing Bill's accusers sufficiently muddied the waters where

At this point I'm hoping for a Kanye/Warren ticket. Like maybe now all the presidential candidates are going to be celebrity figureheads and the position of VP will be the only pusher of policy.

It feels so Medici. Like our best hope is if the "Cosmopolitan" faction of Kushner and Ivanka can become ascendent over the Bannon Bloc.

Exactly. None of it will be his fault. The dog whistles about international bankers with media control will become louder and louder until he's talking about the "hooked nose untermenschen causing the market to crash and the riots to occur".

Now that the precedent has been set I'm genuinely wondering which celebrity figurehead is going to take the stand. George Clooney is my best guess.

The Bill Murray motivational speech from Meatballs has been running through my head

"The best lack all conviction while the worst are filled with passionate intensity"