Tim Tankerd

I just think the lefts approach of reasoned conversation and "seeing their point of view" is just useless in today's world of weaponized alt-right memetics. By the time you've grokked someone's pov and engaged in emotional and convincing praxis the literal nazis over on reddit and 8chan have radicalized (red-pilled)

boy the crackdown on recreational under secretaries Giuliani and Christie is going to be vicious. It took a long time for Wa and Co to establish their recreational markets and they only did so when the DOJ prepared a memo basically saying it was cool. That's going to change.

She still has a regular advice column in Slate under the feature name "Dear Prudence"

He meant our new national anthem "Altright" by Pepe and the Gauleiters.

Excuse me that's "Cartoonist Laureate Imperator Adams of the house of Dogbert, Holder of the Golden Party Badge of Trump, the first of his name" to plebes like us.

Worst case human scenario would be some kind of massive atmospheric launch of megaton atomic explosives seeded with Cobalt 60 to ensure a fallout with a long enough half life to effectively destroy the entire biosphere. Even in that scenario there will be extremophiles in enough isolated areas to ensure the survival

Anything besides maniacal cackling is a win.

Man seeing a whole flock of giant eagles and Ents storming Trump Tower would be something just grand.

Listen, we've got the best Uruk Hai. Everyone is saying that our Orcs are the best in the world. Riders of Rohan are a total mess. Gondor is just disgusting. It's a new day for orcs!

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best spent their free time photoshopping fake company logos for a popular television shows, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Well said.

She's a woman who has received three decades of constant hate and manufactured scandal. The real mistake was confusing her being pilloried by a significant portion of the electorate with being "vetted" and that all the "politifact" debunkings, snopes forwardings and Vox explainers and John Oliver takedowns could

As far as we know the only ones who've successfully and legally occupied a federal facility while armed have been the Bundy boys.

It makes me furious at myself and all the other "pragmatic" centrist Democrats who were in absolute denial over the weakness of our candidate coupled with the conventional wisdom that "of course a socialist Jew could never win" and faith that the fundamentals could overcome the very obvious problems with Hillary.

That progressive narrative that people are decent and things will get better has been conclusively disproved. Every stabilizing structuralist force has been defeated. Optimism and hope and faith in progress really were not a match for the weaponization of social media at the hands of literal nazis. Grim

The uncertainty is the most terrifying. We know the traditional GOP playbook, we've seen it for years. We just have no actual clue what the next four years will bring because there simply isn't any kind of ideology and there's no moderating due to the necessity of fundraising for reelection. The only people

I think you're underestimating the very real existential threat a Trump/ Pence presidency holds for significant portions of the populace. The ability to "fight back" is directly dependent on the ability to even stay in this country; something that's much more uncertain in the face of mass deportation of American

Attorney General Chris Christie, Peter Thiel on the Supreme Court and fucking Omarosa as secretary of energy.

The real ugliness will be the next midterms when the Koch "fiscal conservatives" get primaried out by white nationalists in the Trump mold. We're going to see a massive stimulus package to make a "Trump boom" and it'll be paid for with tax cuts.

Unfortunately disqus is just a minuscule drop in the bucket of online engagement while Facebook is ten gallons but there's no denying this election has proven that legacy media is powerless and the ability to Influence literally hundreds of thousands of people with "upvoted" comments and "meme magic" is worth as much