Tim Tankerd

I'm blaming everyone including myself.

Not trying to make you feel worse but the presence of the very definition of a "social media influencer" constantly reassuring people into complacency probably maked the experience that much more painful for regular commenters on this site.

Optimism is such a privilege at the moment. It's reserved for those who have money and aren't visible minorities- which happens to account for the majority of the entertainment complex.

Squatting is only valid these days if it's done by an armed group of Mormon radicals and the property is not owned by banks but by the federal government

I've always mocked the goldbugs and bitcoin boys. Now I'm one of them.

The collapse of the EU is absolutely going to happen in the next four years. The Euro is sick and there's no conceivable cure beyond a fully federalized Eurostate and that will never happen. Le Pen wins France and that's the deathblow.

At least a right wing repudiation of LGBT rights is a known quantity. Pence is the understandable theocratic ideologue we've well come to know and fear and fits neatly into existing political categories. Trump's lack of ideology, ability and direction should be much more terrifying. I don't see Pence, for instance,

I just don't see that working. If anything the best hope lies in fully embracing misinformation and weaponizing social media for progressive rage. This election has proven debates don't matter, policies don't matter and journalism doesn't matter. While so-and-so over at the Times is writing yet another meticulously

Say what you want about Camacho but the man had an ethos.

The destabilizing influence of Russian money providing funding for the nationalist right revival ending in the dismantling of NATO, the collapse of the EU and the reintegration of the Baltic States within the greater Russian sphere of control.

Based on the freefall Ryan's popularity went under during the "Grab 'em by the pussy" moment I have to imagine the old guard Koch based fiscal ideologues are extremely endangered. A Trump inspired white nationalist primary purging of the Republican Party seems much more likely than an intraparty conflict over quaint

I know we shouldn't look back but I feel such disdain for myself and all those "cooler heads" that said America could never elect a Jewish socialist and that having a "tough candidate" who has been "vetted for thirty years" with control of a massive political machine was the "smart and safe" choice. Bernie had a

Here's what I see happening:

Listening to Never Not Funny this morning (recorded on Tuesday) is really hard. So blithe in their assumption of a Clinton victory with Trump as an outlandish impossibility. Fuck.

I have to imagine so much of that complacency comes through our media and social media echo chambers. The gulf between people who get their news through legacy media in all it's forms is just going to keep falling while the number who get nothing but confirmation of their biases through facebook and Reddit is

Sweet! First three months we get a full repeal of Obama's legacy, massive environmental deregulation and a trade war with China! I was really worried that the collapse of our society would be a gradual process of implosion but it looks like we're going for the spectacular and rapid option and taking the world with

You could not have picked a more centrist milquetoast Supreme Court nominee than Garland. How'd that work?

I just want to give all the journalists working on the next extensively reported expose a hug. The truth does not matter, the debates didn't matter and journalism has proven fully ineffective. Fuck, maybe the only chance really is Kanye 2020.

I'll be the first to admit how wrongheaded the entire thing was. Just like Garland the democrats tried to meet the GOP halfway and got slapped. Maybe America could never elect a Jewish socialist but it's hard to see how the election could have gone worse and at least we'd have had integrity and idealism instead of

It's such a declaration of white privilege. Yes Colbert, things for you and other cis white people are probably going to be fine. For everyone else? Lol.