Tim Tankerd

you were supposed to bring balance to the force Barron, not destroy it!

Dikachu's overwhelming confidence is either very reassuring or points to him actually being an account ran by five dozen FSB agents out of some Moscow backstreet lulling us into complacency to ensure the transfer of power into Trump's hand is not met by resistance organized through disqus. We'll know two days from

"You went to Westworld? Very trite. The new hotness is Westworldworld where you can simulate being a middle manager in the accounts receivable department of a large multinational corporation!"

Good old TVDW. I hope he's making fat stacks of Vox money now- would be great to see at least one of the earlier writers on this site still being able to make a living as a feature columnist instead of being forced into the ignominious world of freelance hustling.

The scene where Bernard discovers the additional bots on campus on the computer by changing the search paramaters was directly from the Jurassic Park book.

Man I'm hoping this election turns out to be as peaceable as the RNC. I remember how hyped that up was and it turned out fine. I'm guessing a few Trump poll watchers get charged with harassment but it will be pretty minor. It would be great to see a just overwhelming Clinton win early enough in the day for it to

Definitely my favorite portrayal of Caesar. Great actor.

I for one welcome our voluntary extinction at the hands of crushing killing machines. Certainly better than 4 years of Trump!

I have to imagine we're within five years of that being completely feasible. Maybe the next contract will include some permenant voice rights or something.

I guess it'll just keep going until one of the main cast dies.

I'm really baffled by your reliance on identity politics. If I told you I was Muslim would that make my perspective more vaIid? think I've made my points pretty clear as to why I believe Trump represents a genuine existential threat to all life on earth. It seems like your concern over gay rights in America is so

I don't even understand what you're arguing. Neither Trump nor Pence is good. I'm saying Trump represents a greater threat.

You can put Pence on an existing political spectrum. He's got plenty of antecedents in American history. The republic and its citizenry can survive another radical theocratic Christian in office. We know what he'd do and largely how he'd do it. Trump's lack of ideological underpinning is much more dangerous

I'm not too worried about Pence to be honest. America can handle a theocratic interventionist GOP executive, we had one just eight years ago. You can plan for that. The completely unhinged, amoral, apolitical and unpredictable Trump is a total x factor that you just can't account for. Pence has to thread that

I don't think Weiner is really mediocre. He's a brilliant guy, a very compelling speaker and has excellent interpersonal skills coupled with an absolutely amazing and exceptional capacity for self-sabotage and compulsive need to be publicly humiliated. Say what you want but that kind of combination of capability

I literally just got that "Who in the World is Cameron Esposito" is a parody of Carmen SanDiego based on your comment.

You know what, I like that attitude. It's actually kind of stoic, sort of Epictetus. Things are potentially (and god, I hope this all hypothetical) going to destabilize and collapse in a way that American society hasn't seen for nearly a century and there's nothing we can do about it so might as well enjoy it. Heck,

Private Eye, Private Eye, Private Eye. There's really nothing comprable anywhere; just a brilliant blend of satire, absurdity and genuine reporting.

I'd wager that 5 year old has more thought out responses than the average "he's not PC" supporter.

There is something bracing about seeing the abandonment of so many consensus bulwarks of stability. Few things could more fundamentally alter the modern world than the disbandment of NATO and the proliferation of Nukes, both of which are on Trump's agenda. Toss in him legitimately declaring "war on Islam" if there's