Tim Tankerd

This website has been my last bastion of magical thinking. I'm not super happy with you bringing in actual facts or contemporary analysis. My biggest rejoinder to the unrelenting fear and panic I get when I look at 538, real clear politics is the idea that "hey this Dikachu character seems awfully certain Hillary

Asians seem to be one of the last ethnic groups it's okay to mimic and mock. It was only a few years ago Ashton Kutcher thought wearing brownface as Raj the Bollywood Producer was okay

He really is looking amazing. Doing a little research it sounds like he was doing awful around 2000 and ended up having four (!) angioplasty surgeries. I'm guessing after something like that you either make the dramatic lifestyle changes that would keep you looking young or you just die.

We had goatboy, Mango and "Hey remember the 80s" How I wish I could go back.

Believe it or not the origin of that comes from a Fruity Pebbles commercial

I don't think there's any way Hillary gets a second term. It will be such a shitshow I'm guessing she steps down ala LBJ or she gets primaried by the left

Hmm they're pushing it back to Reap Day? Sounds like the movie might just end up going real 19 and being a true Charyou Tree, if it do ya.

The movie for sure. The reveal that grown up Duddits is… Donnie Wahlberg!! Is just so ridiculous it ups the camp quotient exponentially

Yeah, I found his paralleling "the talk" in black communities with being told about the holocaust to be a bit of a stretch but I think his central points still hold.

Cheap beer? A competitive workplace health plan? Access to endless omelets? Man oh man, don't get much better than that!

Rabin's post on anti-Semitism is a rough read.

Well they can't call it "Superman Red Son: The Valiant Edition"

It's not even a joke. There's a direct pipeline from /r/TheDonald to the campaign. Comments, memes and opposition research will go from the front page of reddit to the mouth of the candidate and his surrogates in like a day.

After Brexit and Trump the argument for less direct democracy, more good old fashioned Republicanism, has been immeasurably strengthened. The distracted, apathetic populace has proven to be pretty shit.

He's grown as a person. Now he blames the Jews for only starting 70%, maybe 80%, of all war.

We've changed quite a bit as a society. When your elderly relative was a kid they called the largest INS enforcement operation in history "Operation Wetback".

"Sure he hates women, Jews, and blacks, and yes there are numerous recorded instances of him indulging in narcissistic rage attacks revealing an incalculably awful sense of self and his place in the world but has Mel ever engaged in illegal saturation bombing of Laos? Didn't think so".

It's funny because he's a wildly misogynistic, racist anti-Semitic ball of human rage that has been given a half dozen chances to stage a comeback ensuring the remainder of his life will be spent soaking up public adulation, the respect of his peers and financial rewards which the average person simply can't

You gotta feel bad for Jenny Slate's ex. One day you're married to a hilarious person whose star is on the rise and you're coordinating on a popular web series about a singing snail, the next day you're reading about your wife getting plowed by Captain America. Hard to get over that.

I don't see that. Harambe is an actual Swahili word that means "working together, pulling together, helping each other, caring, and sharing,". I mean yeah, there's definitely an awful element of racism among some people using it as a meme because the internet is an awful place but I don't see anything inherently