Tim Tankerd

"Uh, at the time it was a reference to a meme about a gorilla that got shot. To tell you the truth 2016 was weird as hell and I'm grateful that all the damage it did to me was on my inner lip"

Dicks out, the ultimate tribute.

As nihilism, cultural entropy and sheer anomie become greater factors in our society people will rally around the stupidest possible things to signal membership in an "in-group", in this case making fun of a gorilla that got killed.

So just to confirm it's still funny because a rare animal died under tragic circumstances?

If we've lost the most prolific commentator on Disqus I can only imagine what's happened to middle America. I'm back to thinking about whether it makes more sense to liquidate everything and move to gold or just really embrace the nihilism and invest in nothing but defense stocks, gun manufacturers, tobacco companies

When we're huddled around the burning tire fire, attempting to eke out a degree of warmth to comfort us in the cold darkness of the nuclear winter, we'll reflect back on these days and be grateful that at least we ensured we'd have a president who used a secure email server.

40% of Trump supporters either believe or are not sure that Hillary is a literal demon.

Dammit Dikachu, your pollyanna-esque faith in the fundamental "horse race" bias in political coverage masking a resounding Clinton victory is one of the few things sustaining me and preventing me from just screaming my lungs out every time I refresh realclearpolitics' poll average. If you've lost faith we're

In other fun news according to the RealClearPolitics poll average Trump is again within the margin of error and has a great deal of momentum going into the election. Coupled with the continuing attempts by Wikileaks to meddle in the US election we're in the most destabilizing period in our history since Fort Sumter!

It's Garon! As in Elvis' still born twin brother

He made a video for it back in those halcyon days of 2011

I'll give you a hint, it involves the wolfman's jizz.

I was legitimately willing to see the Susser Sonic as a Doughboys completist. Now?

Honestly he probably also made low six figures. Hollywood money is ridiculous.

The kind of guy who goes black hat would have a lot of fun in PlantationWorld. Or you could go full John Brown/ Nat Turner simulation and have yourself some Sim Django.

PlantationWorld, PuritanWorld, JazzAgeWorld, there's a lot!

"Yeah Westworld is pretty great but have you been to Fuckworld down there in Orlando?"

I think he's expecting a little recognition for his place in Podcasting, and he's not totally wrong. It was through his columns years ago I was first introduced to CBB.

Did anyone else read Rabin's latest cri-de-coeur on the subject of podcasts? Sounds like he's been getting some pushback.

Nothing better ends a day spent smoking legal weed and drinking local IPAs like setting free some redneck seditionists.