Tim Tankerd

Our ever growing cultural entropy is destroying all the pillars of society as the tide of apathy rises higher. I guess I can take solace in the fact that it's not only destroying everything that is good and decent but it's also devastating NFL ratings and burying still-born cinematic franchises!

I was surprised by how much I liked the first movie. It wasn't good but it wasn't the Michael Baybortion I'd been told to expect. It was light and stupid and (relatively) true to to the source material


Really? You think it's "assholish" to state that someone competed under one name and gender identity before changing both?

Caitlyn never competed in the olympics. Bruce did. Wouldn't the accurate way to refer to them be as "medals won by Bruce Jenner, now known as Caitlyn"?

In this last olympics we had someone who, based on genetic and physical analysis, would be considered intersex with marked male characteristics resulting in a level of testosterone providing a clear competitive advantage.

Things are just so far beyond unprecedented now it's ridiculous. We have a campaign that's been the object of thirty years of hate, an unparalleled attack by a foreign power with the intent to shape the election resulting in a steady stream of scandal and now a blatantly partisan FBI director releasing an "October

Nothing like living in the progressive wonderland that is Oregon. I get my voters information pamphlet a week before my ballot, then I have three weeks to fill it out and either mail it in or give it to a drop off site. Could not be easier.

The gulf between what's considered "common sense" amongst the people taking time to comment on a political video by John Oliver on a pop-culture website like this and the thinking of "the average Joe" who sees this being shared on their FB wall is shockingly vast and may just be unbridgeable.

After Brexit and the Bundy acquittal I'm not confident about anything. I'm predicting Hillary barely wins and the GOP keeps enough of a legislative majority to ensure four years of severe gridlock, endless investigations and government shutdown. The tribalism of GOP voters and their complete indifference to

The dissolution of so many of the norms that have defined American democracy in the last ten years have just been terrifying. So many of the bulwarks conducive to government relied on norms, mores, and a shared culture with shared beliefs that had been badly frayed and are now just gone with this election. There's

While the presidential race tightens (again) Republicans are openly discussing how they've effectively crippled one third of the branches of government by blocking Senate hearings on Supreme Court nominees and will continue doing so should a Democrat win. Things like John Oliver just seem so pointless in the face of

The physical violence really pushes this into the difficult category. Getting punched repeatedly can and does cause long-term brain damage. What if one of those hits was enough to cause an epidural hematoma? Who's liable if Logan died of those complications? Is each robot also a portable MRI scanner making sure

"Leveled up"

It was the "flea circus speech" from Jurassic Park, basically laying out all the themes. I also found it really on the nose. "I was little and I had this pet metaphor who behaved allegorically in a way that furthers the theme of this television show"

I don't understand the Dolores upgrade program. It's pretty clear the robots have substantially evolved over the life of the park, the MIB makes it explicit. So is Dolores' "hard drive" just ported over to the newest model?

I'm still convinced Bernard is a robot. They've foreshadowed it and he's one of the few characters where that "twist" could pay off.

I think the cost benefit ratio for providing extras and featurettes and commentaries has really gotten dire with the transition to blu-Ray and the growth of streaming. I don't think any other format change is going to have the same adaptation boom that DVDs did, where there was a genuine financial incentive to do all

There are about seven thousand different versions of your comment in the video. They are very honest.

At times like that just loosen the old gasket and give them a whiff of your pain.