Tim Tankerd

"Her code name is David Duke because she's a Grand Imperial Wizard"

Also if you keep an eye on Amazon you can find Chinese clones of "premium" brands for under $50 that are functionally identical. Nothing beats lax enforcement of intellectual property laws!

Both of those suppositions are kind of eternal

It's just a media term for synthetic drugs. There's no chemical specifically called "bath salts" there's just a bunch of designer variations of synthetic cathinones. These are the same things that they spray on herbs and sell as "spice" or "k2". Find a shitty gas station in the bad part of a large city and there's

I saw this movie for the first time last week. Generally what I was expecting but I was very surprised by how prominently "bath salts" are in the plot of this movie.

I think a large portion of pearl clutching is just the echo chamber of Twitter where a very tiny number of users can make huge impressions with retweets and being quoted on articles like this. I doubt the average American even knows who Amy Schumer is let alone actually has an opinion on this video and cultural

Okay, Milo is Honore Saint-Just and Leslie Jones is Danton? Then who's Robespierre and what's he tweeting?

I felt like it needed another ten minutes- maybe some explanation for what the company that maintains the "soul servers" actually gain from that. I was definitely expecting the final shot to be some clumsy janitor knocking over the power cord.

It just seemed like they left it really vague- selling it only with the "they said you were looking at kids" line from his mom. If he were definitely a paedo you'd think they'd make it clearer, it just seemed to me the "troll" was that not only will they expose you, they'll frame you for worse.

I didn't think he was a paedo. I thought they just lied about it to everyone. I missed that.

I did not! That makes sense- kid was rocking some serious charisma/star power but his IMDb was relatively scant. It was in his genes!

I thought the main actor, Wyatt Rusell, was really exceptional in this one. Another very well acted piece.

Damn, that's a full 30 minutes longer than the original. I liked it enough but it was extremely meandering. The original covered a lot more ground.

The dust motes would have been the perfect ending imho, her and that black guy yelling at each other introduced some weird elements… like I guess the prison is her new apartment insofar as she still ends up in the interracial relationship with the handsome black guy.

I'm pretty sure his script would have only been two sentences:

I found it pretty weak. I think that it was saved solely by the strength of Bryce Dallas-Howard's performance, otherwise I thought it was really predictable and missing that "punch" that makes for great Black Mirror.

Don't undersell it. He addressed and helped incite a riot of thousands of off duty cops from New York State directed against the city's first black mayor. Notably he was giving speeches while the crowd of drunken cops chanted the N word at city hall

Look pal, why on earth does Corey Feldman have a thigh gap?

"Listen, it's the best sewage, it's Trump sewage. Many people are saying, military people, army people, they wanted the sewage. So we brought it to them! It's for families, it's really premium sewage. The best".

How about good old Ike sending in the military to ensure desegregation of schools in the South? The last great Republican for sure.