Tim Tankerd

I really hope they don't forget to include the inbred incestuous Hulk children; they're really the heart of the story.

Him going off on the editor of the Spectator saying "'Why do we let half-educated tenement Scots run our English press? Because their craving for social status makes them obedient retainers?'" was as close to indefensible as his calls to hang Juncker. I think it's pretty clear that you reach a certain age and go a

Needs more half-educated tenement Scots.

"No more hanging out with the Moolies on Arthur Avenue!"

I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's no way he'd do cocaine because it's a "street" drug. Odds are at some point he got a prescription for Concerta or Adderal XR (probably a legitimate diagnosis of ADD) and he's been crushing and insufflating them as "medicine".

Yes but what about when I'm at home? It's not right for Amazon to be able to turn all my domestic activity into proprietary marketing data if they're not going to have access to my driving records. And what about if I use an android phone? That's three corporations now mining my every motion, utterance and even my

The biggest fantasy of the show is that $40K a day would be able to pay the personal liability coverage.

It also literally means "suffers/sorrows/pains" in the Spanish where it's derived from the name of the Virgin Mary. With all the blue imagery around Dolores on the show I'm guessing her suffering ties her to Mary with the newly conscious robots serving as her children.

It really felt like they were making explicit parallels to Hopkins uploading Marsden's "backstory" with him telling Jeffrey Wright to remember his dead son. You've got the Gina Torres scene being a red herring but you'd think Delos Corp could fake that easily enough.

Reading this: http://www.neurology.org/co… by Williams' widow really helps put the mans death into perspective. Lewy Body Disease may not be as common as Alzheimer's but the negative effects are very real and should be better understood.

I was thinking Jeffrey Wright has got to be a robot, there seemed to be parallels between the uploading of the back story to Marsden with the way it was introduced to Jeffrey Wright. Maybe he's the robot copy of Arnold?

I think to the fantasy world where Trump just did another season of the Apprentice and Jeb or Rubio gets the nomination. So many of the norms and codes of politics would have been respected. A "scandal" would have been coded talk about Hillary's "marital judgement" or something instead of the shitshow we've seen

I think the well has been so poisoned Hillary will get a single term and, unless there's a major midterm legislative shakeup, no Supreme Court justices appointed and a term that's under permanent investigation by constantly roving independent prosecutor with subpoena power on a Javert-esque scale. 2020 will be a

We're putting the "grope" back in obergruppenführer!

It's all cheap AB-Inbev crap anyway. I'm sure that Bud Light and Busch Light and Michelob all probably come from the same giant vat of Brazilian swill somewhere in the Amazon.

Dude is the living embodiment of the Gish Gallop.

Jeb! Did take the low road, he aimed his $100 million war chest at a single candidate, burned all the donorship bridges in an attempt to choke them out and focused intensely on them at debates. Unfortunately he aimed it all at Rubio. It would've been interesting to see what happened if they had focused on Trump

The amazing thing about this election is its forced me to have a grudging amount of respect for Glenn Beck and Erick Ericson, two of the vilest reactionary stooges around, just because they actually followed through on their principles and haven't come around on trump.

I remember first hearing about it on /r/earwolf and I was so intrigued I bought that whole season of the Player's Club just to get it right from the source. I think it was a case of Cudi being sensitive and Denbo not reading the room and relying on shtick that might work at a night show at the UCB but not on

It was Jamie Denbo and she tells the whole story in great detail on her (behind the paywall) episode of NNF's "The Players Club".