Tim Tankerd

Jamie Denbo's episode of NNF's "The Players Club" last year. She was on as Ronna or Beverley and dropped an N Bomb "in character". Got really awkward really quick and they cut her from the show entirely.

AKA The Jimmy Pardo paradox.

That's true. Hanford, Middleditch and the Wild Horses are all great and I don't even mind some of the double dipping on the cast of Bajillion Dollar Property. Maybe it's just me but for me there's been a downturn in quality but maybe now all that touring and the television show is over we can get a Comedy Bang

I think the slip in quality is just Scott and his cohort getting more popular and getting their own shows. Comparing the guest list for the first hundred with the most recent really shows it. We've replaced "cake boss" and "el chupacabra" with Ming the chinaman and "Bonequeef Pussy Fart". Nowadays it feels like

Small steps my man- will get big results. Many of the most important benefits of an active lifestyle and of weight loss come from very minor improvements:

If the average increase in walking as a percent of daily expenditure is correct than this game provided the impetus for the players to go from a lifestyle described as "sedentary" to just being on the low end of "low active". That's a huge change and one that's surprisingly difficult to induce.

Adding resistance training and HIIT circuits can indeed provide runners with a real advantage, presuming it's just one element of their training.

I had such a bad experience trying to get out of my Golds contract after I moved I pledged never to do business with them again, but that movie theater with treadmills sounds pretty bad-ass

If simply adding 1,473 steps is equivalent to a 25% increase in activity then that would indicate they were already in the "sedentary lifestyle" rubric and that this marginal increase actually put them back on the low end of the "average" lifestyle. That's not bad. It indicates that these people were just shockingly

I knew him when he was still William Sprout.

Watching his "aw shucks" grin and his dancing sway during the memorial for those Dallas cops makes it pretty clear he's either a drunk or seriously suffering from early onset dementia.

A real trip is checking out tv ratings from the nineties. A show could "flop" with 25 million viewers, numbers that are simply unheard of now.

Y'know that whole "hackers kept the GOP from stealing Ohio" meme really gets credence when you watch "Mitt". The family knew the writing was on the wall but there was a hardcore cabal led by Rove indicating they had some tricks up their sleeves

The commodity that's gone down nearly 8% in the last 30 days? I gotta get in on this!

There's no such thing as an herbal tea. Tea refers properly only to various ways of preparing and harvesting the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. Herbal decoctions, or tisanes, are not tea.

The most recently developed method relies on liquid carbon dioxide circulated through green, pre-moistened coffee beans at a force of nearly 1,000 pounds per square inch, or 250 to 300 times normal atmospheric pressure; think of this as deep sea coffee-making.

"Winners don't do drugs! Please enter your initials"

No, I don't think his self image would allow him to do "street" drugs but I could totally see him with a legal prescription for some XR amphetamines that he crushes and insufflates as "medicine".

I have to imagine they've vetted the crowd and question takers pretty extensively for the event- seeing Trump peddle his red meat partisan shit to a nominally moderate crowd will be interesting.