Tim Tankerd

"Ahem, through quantitative easing the Fed has created a virtual hurricane of future hyper inflation. Much scarier than a little rain".

With the prenup he had written he would then have the right to summarily execute two dozen Slovenians a year

You've never heard of the "Uncanny Blue Peter Men"?

But is Professor Xavier a jerk?

I really wish Warren Ellis had committed to a bunch more Moon Knight books, definitely my favorite contemporary take on the character

Has the president vaped? Wouldn't surprise me. In "Double Down" about the 2012 elections there are interviews with people close to the President urging him to keep a lid on the compulsive Nicorette chewing because they thought it diminished him and the office. Maybe a lilikoi and coconut flavored juice would have

The title is just baffling. Did they legitimately just decide to stop at eight for storytelling purposes? Or could they not find six more actresses? What if this movie gets three sequels? Is that the goal- to have have Oceans 8-13? Why?

Training with papaw tonight… He rigged a three story warehouse with training gear for all six grandkids and I'm the only one who kicked back… Love him

"the real issue is drug abuse in Asian American communities. One person we interviewed claimed 'man who stand on toilet high on pot'- a rather chilling statement".

"I regret anyone taking offense to the piece. In short, ah forgive-uh-ness prease"

I don't know, I think you could make an argue for the "integrity" of the Nolan Bat-Franchise. It told a legitimate story with a legitimate arc over three movies and he resisted the urge to accept the money truck WB offered him to start on Superman and the rest.

The entire movie just stopping for Wonder Woman to watch the teaser trailers for "Justice League" was the strangest part for me. Lex was out there designing costumes and codenames for potential superheroes then editing little sizzle reels for them? When did he have time to fill that half liter jar of piss?

No way- I grew up watching South Park. Stop trying to convince me it isn't just another giant douche and turd sandwich situation.

Damn apathetic Latinos. If only there were a massive Spanish language entertainment corporation that was expanding their editorial reach into English language pop culture websites! That would light a fire under their asses!

I don't think there's a correlation. Being rich doesn't make you famous and vice versa. We've got legitimate billionaires like Alan Sugar, Mark Cuban or Richard Branson who've humiliated themselves on reality television just to boost their name recognition and Q scores.

"I'm a little concerned about her social justice platform. I think her usage of the demonizing term "SuperPredator" has effectively proven she's just playing lip service to racial justice. That's why I want Trump's Deportation Task Force to really hammer home the social justice praxis; preferably with door-to-door

What really blows my mind is how close the race remains. You'd think Hillary would be riding a wave of Latino voters and millennials to a resounding victory but it's far, far too close for comfort.

Both myself and Mitch's mom are definitely 'shipping SpooNangle.

Oh definitely- I'm sure they're just "special vitamins" to him but I could see an amphetamine prescription. Dude acts ADD enough that adderal or Ritalin could be legitimately prescribed. Maybe he's also got some XRs he crunches before a rally or a tweetsesh.

The whole "100 different narrative scenarios" seemed ripped right from E3. I really liked the way they're building around modern game design- all these NPCs going about their daily rounds was straight from Skyrim.