Tim Tankerd

Confirmed. It's $5.00 at whole foods here and $3.99 at Safeway.

And you're only paying more than twice the MSRP for the convenience!

How did you find that post from 2006? That's some fine internet detecting.

How on earth did you find a deleted blog post that's over a decade old?

He's still got the Cardassian vote- if he can cut into Clinton's lead with the Klingons he might just win.

In beautiful Ljublana I wish to become architect! I go to finest Slovenian schools and every day I pray that I might someday help to renovate glorious visitor center for important world heritage sight of Škocjan Caves. Is beautiful life. Then I meet a gown and my life since… Well it has been hard.

Exactly- the first one really revels in the rape but Bronson still manages to take it from grindhouse exploitation into, well, distinctive grindhouse exploitation.

Is good name. Russian like bears. We strong and live in cold. Also is fancy like us. Fancy Bears is good name tovarisch!

What even are her powers in the MCU? She seems to just have telepathy and telekinesis- I don't think they've ever mentioned anything about altering probability. She's basically Jean Grey.

I'd say its been an ongoing project since those days of House of M. I'm a big Bendis fan, love his stuff in the Ultimate Universe and his stand-alone books like Torso and Jinx, but he can lapse into some awful habits like having whole pages of bantering word balloons or making everyone speak like an 80 year old

You've got to toggle off the "Macho Man Randy Savage" mode in the settings.

I can understand the appeal of Amazon Dash. I'd never buy it but I understand it. All the Alexa and Echo products? A glowing, always on, microphone analyzing every word I say and turning it into proprietary marketing data? Almost cartoonishly evil.

I've got to say after what Bendis did to the character she just does not fit into the Marvel Universe any longer. So overpowered and the hazy sort of mystical mutant thing worked in the context of Avengers Disassembled and House Of M but now it just doesn't seem to work anymore.

May it embiggen us all.

It's rare for a commercial spokesman to influence my behavior like that but I can proudly say I've only taken Zantac since the day those commercials came out.

"Goddamn British, I mean goddamn French, whoops I mean Goddamn British again, oh hey goddamn Seminoles, I mean Spain, uh I actually meant goddamn Johnny Reb. Anyway whoever you are how'd you like to exchange some molasses, rum and furs? You're alright for a Brit!"

I would't be surprised if twenty years of watching syndicated Cartman accounts for a not insignificant portion of Trump's popularity.

The secret service has nothing to do with monuments. Those were park rangers.

So that "3D Pen" is just a fancy glue gun?

That's a doughnut.