Tim Tankerd

I'm having trouble with the need on this thread to speculate on a 13 year old's sexual orientation. It could be argued that assuming this kid is gay because he's into fashion is itself a form of homophobia, or at least a damaging stereotype.

Did I miss something in the article about this kid's sexual orientation? Why are you assuming "fashionable" is code for "gay"? Isn't that itself a form of stereotyping and homophobia?

"He wore a pair of $400 silver Adidas by Raf Simons purchased for $250 on adidasx.com and a pair of Off-White athletic socks. He had pulled the socks up to his knees, where they met the rolled-up cuffs of his trouser legs, vintage-newsboy-style. Money to pay for the “Rafs” had been earned by Abe's raking leaves for

No I get you. It just comes across as what he is: a multi-millionaire who is able to afford the best clothes for his child, getting paid to take him to Paris, and then calling him "The Prince of Fashion". There are dozens of comparable kids on Instagram who've accomplished that level of style without the commensurate

"Damages sought include $115,000 “for every alleged instance of piracy,”

I wonder how many people who can't afford a trip to Paris for Fashion Week (or who got paid to go on a trip to Paris for Fashion Week in order to write about it for GQ) also have children that demonstrate some form of individual flair or style. Are they worth reading about?

I believe it actually means the style that's still straight from Long Beach

Definite comparisons to both Y and Ex Machina. Vaughan is great at premises and delivers some fantastic ending but the week to week (or month to six months) of just writing a comic can be tough for him. I would definitely expect him to stick the landing.

I blame a lot of it on the hardcore Bernie Bros that first colonized the front page. As long as they were attacking Clinton the Trumpkind were accepted. By the time the nomination occurred there was too much anti-Clinton hate for there to ever be a rapproachment.

"And that sex club movie she made with Dan Ackroyd- Disgusting! Can't believe I own it on blue ray!

"I need something to read, I don't know what time it is, and I'm hungry for 4500 calories worth of imported spreadable mayonnaise- maybe my favorite pop culture website can help!"

Not quite, in the famous Lincoln/Douglas/Beetlejuice debates Stern definitely came up.

"How Samantha Bee caused Trump/ Clinton's Samantha Bee Problem," may go down in history as one of the stupidest pieces of political analysis ever written.

Don't underestimate his true believers. Head on down to Reddit/r/TheDonald to get a full taste of what we're dealing with. Nothing but attacks on the moderator, using online polls to claim a win and attacks on Hillary. Sane republicans who've been lulled into complacency may scatter but to the true believers that

My big fear was she was going to keep going back to canned lines like "Trumped up Trickle Down" but she handled it well.

Doing a little more research really seems to back your view. I think I learned something today!

You know, actually doing a little more research that seems to support that notion. I think I made the mistake of confusing gender and sexuality.

Something about an eight year old with such a clearly imposed gender role, even if it is fluid, seems slightly suspect. Can an eight year old legimately be experiencing gender dysphoria? I think you could say they're showing signs of a fluid gender identity that's in flux but to just straight up say "he's Trans"

Trump is interesting to compare to Dean and I've been wondering why one sunk and the other soared. I think Trump having the economic resources to continue the campaign is a huge advantage; when you're as reliant on donorship as Dean was any kind of hiccup in that pipeline will have a huge effect.

I honestly think it will be just be so much clearer in the future. There won't be this PC need to equate both sides or give rational credence to the anti-Obama hatred; they'll just say something like "the first black President was the recipient of a predictably major racist backlash as the GOP abbrogated their