Tim Tankerd

He's just whole levels of magnitude better at being a politician than the rest. Most impressive is that in the face of unrelenting opposition he accomplished eight years largely scandal free. Say what you will about the vast right wing conspiracy to take down the Clintons but there's no denying that they've made

Don't hate him for his lies, love him for his ignorance.

"But President Trump the trade delegation from China has been waiting for an hour for you to finish your nap"
"They're going to leave in twenty minutes if you don't show up".
"Report in from PacCom that China is massing in the Taiwan strait, intelligence

Good Christ it was great. A real victory for consensus reality. Now the supporters are just flailing, attacking the moderator and clinging to online polls as their saving grace. I was definitely prepared for Gold to go up a couple hundred per ounce and be at $1500/oz by Friday with new highs to come by November.

After a brief stint as the chief of staff for the mayor of New York Alex P. Keaton largely disappeared from public eye. Following the criminal charges leveled against him for his role in both the Enron and Tyco scandals he chose to take his own life before a trial could take place. He is survived by no one and

"Claudia and the Cuck"

Add in twenty percent more "cuck" and ten percent "the shocking squalor of Spoonman's life" with a dash of unlistenable drops and just a frisson of incestual kittens and baby- you got the Doughboys!

That'll be Madame Secretary Manigault before you know it.

I really think this was a major mistake by Clinton. She neglected her base and bet it all on the center for nothing. July and August she spent chasing every minor republican functionary for their endorsement while neglecting the millenials and progressives that powered the Obama coalition.

Most galling is if you want to say "it's demonstrably true Trump had a very close personal friendship and relationship with convicted pedophile sex offender Jeffrey Epstein" the obvious rejoinder is "So did Bill". That sort of makes it radioactive to both sides.

Pence proved perfect for Trump and Kaine did nothing for Hillary. She's not going to win over any disaffected republicans and the center cannot hold. She could have reinvigorated her campaign so easily- I was sure she'd go with Julian Castro which would've done a ton for minority turnout, shaped the narrative of

Dikachu I really hope you're right but I think you're overestimating the media's ability to "horse race" this election. The two sites I'm basing most of my panic on (538 and realclearpolitics) do aggregate poll analysis. Unless you want to get into the realm of "unskewed polls" the data is pretty clear and

She really underestimated the republican tendency to fall in line. She squandered months with her strategy of singling out Trump as aberrant and not indicative of the GOP, chasing the endorsement of every mid level Bush foreign policy director and going with big Centrist Kaine as her running mate. This really

The sheer rapidity in which Clinton has erased a seemingly insurmountable lead in both national polls and battlegrounds is just astounding. It was just over a month ago that the meme was "garbage fire" and the outcome could be a Hillary blowout.

They're not even hiding it. Omarosa (who could legitimately be in the cabinet or Education Secretary or whatever) gave a speech where she's literally saying his detractors and critics will be forced to bow to him when he wins

It's surprisingly common. I think a lot of us have sort of internalized American ideals as at least an element of our identity- then we see this yawning chasm expand below our feet wiping out the solid bedrock of fundamental decency and respect for consensus reality. It really is terrifying. The closest analogue

Boy this website is a nice break from the unrelenting panic that envelops me when I visit 538 or realclearpolitics. We're basically in coin flip territory- which should be absolutely terrifying. The precedents Trump has broke with the norms of campaigning are just shocking and his solid base of support is troubling.

Best curry? I like Goa style or Japanese Kale style- but a nice UK tikka masala is hard to beat.

"She had a great Boo-ty!"

Madea as the crossing guard.