Tim Tankerd

That was my thought as well. You could use the whole cast: NPH to play the cuckolded husband, Ben Affleck as the firefighter boyfriend.

I thought Rosamund Pike would do a great job.

I could definitely see Coen brothers Brad Pitt as the firefighter boyfriend who wore a wire and someone who could play super henpecked for the husband, maybe Neil Patrick Harris?

He's even got that mid 1990s bug eyed author's photo look of Stephen King going. I feel like the author rebirthing themselves through their kids could definitely be in a King story

Well I wouldn't mind if it was at least based on facts. He did donate to a GOP candidate at one point. The image macro going around trying to win some votes for Trump by putting right wing ideology into Prince's posthumous mouth? Disgusting

That's a false meme. He was playing secret concerts for the President in 2015. At some point in 1990 he donated $2000 to a Minnesota state republican candidate and that's the only connection.

"Well they bankrupted the Trump last night
They foreclosed on his Taj Mahal too
Up in Trump tower they're ready for a fight
Wants to see what the electorate can do"

All those alt-right memes that the Trumps share have to come from somewhere. /pol/ and the other chans are still pretty anarchic and built on anonymity. With a subreddit all you need to do is co-opt a top mod and you have full effective power over its users. Considering Reddit has a tremendous amount of influence

And maybe my father did help kill Kennedy!

To understand Cruz you have to really get his messiah complex and lack of character. He really believes he's the second coming of the Conservative Revolution who will forever reshape America. When Trump was getting blown out it made sense for him to be independent- he could pick up the mantle of True Conservative

It's more like "how much of a Truman was Hitler?"

Hey, Imperial Japan was great! The Chinese invited them. Harry Truman was worse than Hitler. Hirohito and Tojo were solid chaps all in all. Unit 731 may have gotten up to some bad shenanigans but at least they weren't Truman! Yes a prolonged war and invasion would have led to inconceivable suffering on a vastly

Wait- this is literally a Dark and Stormy with a shot of vodka in it. Have you ever had my famous margarita? Lime, triple sec, tequila, (add a shot of vodka). Or my Cuba Libre? Rum, coke, lime (add a shot of vodka). I could go all day!

Best frozen pizza? I think "Amy's" does a good job.

A solid 30% of the global economy comes from financial derivatives directly based on Big Bang Theory residuals. If people stop watching it will make 2008 look like a hiccup.

Some of them are getting pretty grim in terms of formatting and dead links and dead video clips.

You want to know something messed up? Belushi apparently is a vip at Bohemian Grove, the elite retreat/ illuminati conference. In the latest Powell emails here is Belushi jamming onstage with Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger and Clint Eastwood.

If it's one thing we've learned it's that absolutely nothing is safe online and any determined hacker will get your information.

The success of these movies coupled with the scathing reviews and "online reactions" really tells you everything about how well Trump is doing in the polls.

Wow- watching that opening theme song is a trip. I remember thinking how old those kids were watching it back in the day and now they look like babies. Hell, even Ugg looks young. Time is a bitch. Also that one girl was actually named Venus de Milo?