Tim Tankerd

Is Nathan doing tragic VH1 shows now? How about "Megan Wants A Millionaire", the final spasm of the "I love money" shows where one of the finalists went on to murder and multilate his fiancé before fleeing to Canada?

Is that a slam on Paul Rust? I'll have you know (know) that the man loves chemicals! Absolutely loves them.

Start learning to write in Cyrillic bud- smart money is moving to Vladivostok.

Huh- I guess it had to have been named after the movie

It's hilarious how many GOP careers have risen and fallen based on mild deviations from their ALEC marching orders- how incredibly doctrinaire it's all been where any city councilmen or state legislator is expected to be "right thinking" in terms of economics, international relations, and socially conservative morals-

The republican debates should be more than enough to put some healthy fear in any hopeful progressive's chest. Trump is just operating in a post-facts, all attitude arena where he's had decades of practice. He will "win" the debates because he will defy all mores and decency- probably insinuating Bill is a rapist

"Our diving horse is named Lightning and he loves the water. Twice each day (if it’s not raining), Lightning jumps 9 feet into our 14-feet deep, 117,000-gallon pool of water…" Only nine feet? That sounds more like horse wading!

Yup, the fundamental resilience of our laws, mores and societal strength of our culture is tenacious enough to survive at least three years of Trump before we settle into the anarchic hellscape of our future lawless dystopia.

You know I loved both the book and the play and I really don't see Swinton as Mame at all. I would think more of a Kathryn Hahn "brassy broad" type.

"Oh no the republicans have discovered the magic conch that makes Bernie dance calypso music! And they're using it to make him do tax cuts!"

She is really looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead.

"You've got a real nice Montpelier townhouse here gramps, real shame if something were to happen to it".

"“It is no longer your decision if you’re going to run for President or not,” an Up To Us speaker explained in one of the group’s recent videos, “It is ours."

But there already are several species of polar shark that could qualify as "ice shark". Salmon Sharks and Greenland Sharks jump to mind as cold water species capable of eating humans.

The sad state of this site is a pretty nice little parable for the travails of the Internet media and the denigration of journalism. Once a veritable Arcadia of contented staff writers throwing out weekly columns and special features merry in the knowledge of a guaranteed wage and healthcare and a "Commentary Track

That's a good question- has it ever been mentioned? I would bet that adamantium is so thoroughly associated with wolverine that it's part of the X-Men intellectual property franchise controlled by Fox. Have we ever heard anyone in the MCU mention unstable molecules?

A Romney presidency would have meant some major tax cuts for the rich and some shady moral health initiatives. Cruz could have presided over a massive reduction in federal government throwing hundreds of programs into confusion with real world negative consequences for millions of Americans. Even in a worst case

It's weaponized hate. The right wing entertainment complex has built its rhetoric to the point that Democrats are no longer seen as an opposition party with a different philosophy of governance but as a legitimate threat to life and the future of America.

Oh I'm pretty sure it was deadly serious at the time as well- just filtered through a few layers of gauze for popular consumption. Extrajudicial killings of black Americans, whether it's under the aegis of "law enforcement" or just straight up lynching did not just spring to life in the nineties. It's just that

Damn second law of thermodynamics, always harshing my buzz.