Tim Tankerd

Supreme Court appointments and legislation still require that 3/5s majority, 60 votes. That was changed in 2013.

"Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line"- the vanguard of the Democratic Party is still nursing their Bernie broken heart, the republican vanguard is spending six hours a day posting about their God Emperor and sending Hillary to prison.

That's an awful big "If"- they'd have to not only retake the senate but to do so in numbers where they'd have the 67% vote necessary to override the current obstructions. The last time this was even a possibility back in 2011 we saw it hobbled by Democrat desires for conciliation and compromise- resulting in

Yup. God bless the Mormons who are still showing a little spine and devotion to principle. The strange hybrid melange of nationalism, authoritarianism, late stage capitalism and just good old fashioned fascism that is modern Evangelical American Christianity is just a baffling construct. Without a church

It's not a fair fight. As long as Democrats and the left adhere to principles of decency, cooperation, empathy and willingness to compromise they'll lose. Take the blockade of Merrick Garland and the Supreme Court. Obama did the "decent" thing, nominated a fairly centrist and uncontroversial judge and proceeded

Did you watch Christie's speech last night? That baying mob desperate for bloodlust- chanting "lock her up" and "guilty"? That's the face of the new GOP. The genie is out of the bottle, the tiger is saddled. There's no going back- things will absolutely get worse. If Hillary wins we're going to see unprecedented

The absolute hypocrisy of the religious right is just in astounding display. Barack and Michelle have an incredibly strong marriage and partnership while Hillary demonstrates the "forgiveness" and "stand by your man" attitude that's supposed to be ingrained in Christian marriages- Trump has decades of public

"Oh man, I know I have to report to the Liberal Reeducation Center in the morning but I'm just dying to hear what Seth Myers has to say about the Muslim Internment Project. So bummed he was shot in the head but maybe there's an explainer in Vox or Slate to help me understand why we're bombing the Ukraine now".

The fact that it's still so statistically close, well within the margin of error, in almost every poll ought to be incredibly sobering. The Right has successfully weaponized hate to the point now that it has become inconceivable for the vast majority of their followers to vote for a democrat. That kind of fervor is

Don't worry- it's not like the republicans could nominate an inconceivably unqualified candidate with almost comically unchristian, unamerican and indecent behavior and somehow still poll with in the margin of error.

There's a great Harry Turtledove short story where the Third Reich has effectively occupied British Colonial India and they're bringing in some Gauleiters and SS officers to begin administrating the territory and are confronted by Nehru and Gandhi and the peaceful resistance of Ahimsa and nonviolence. Gandhi gets

The ads are the best part: Buy gold, buy seeds, get cash today for your structured settlement, buy more seeds, die.

The mystery of Spoonman only deepens. Now that we know that the only thing keeping him from dying of sleep apnea is lust for his friends' wives and his obligation to his kittens the picture grows murkier.

The "emoji movie" was a joke from a season one episode of Comedy Bang Bang with Aziz Ansari. Talk about striking when the iron is cool.

Nice run, nice narrative, nice comic.

Their real thing is listening to EDM while vaping on snapchat.

Keanu Reeves jerk off… That's four words… The next clue is at the White House!

"Sure he's a virulent racist with deep seated rage towards women but gosh darn- I sure did love Braveheart!"

Tell me more stories of the Long Long Ago. Are the legends of the Usenet true?

I really thought that article would have been the impetus behind this entire entry. Amazed you were the one to bring it up.