Tim Tankerd

We suck! We really do!

It's funny because widespread cultural entropy and pervasive anomie have left an uninformed populace desperately unequipped to the task of representative democracy!

That's because of the webseries I mentioned.

Chinese censors have, historically, been less concerned about sexuality as opposed to the supernatural. A same sex webseries has led to a huge backlash in the last few months but Ghostbusters was always going to be an extremely hard sell because of the ghosts

That's a sadly common problem for a lot of X'er:

You'll have no mouth but you will scream! Forever!

Yup, and Millenials are climbing the ranks while Boomers don't retire- pushing out X. That defining Generation X cynicism has also meant much less exposure to investments, increased debt and deep seated generational anxiety about their finances. They've had to work harder with much less to show for it than any

Why with a little luck the Singularity will have occurred leaving your electronically copied conscious to complain incessantly until the heat death of the universe!

There's a pretty good sociological argument to be made that X's cultural influence is majorly outsized compared to their demographic weight- that generational factors sort of did make them a "cool" influence on pop culture for the last thirty years or so. Unfortunately that "cred" came at the cost of being stuck

Why the only Ash my children need know is Ashley Wilkes, that debonair swain!

It's pretty astounding. I used to do ingress and thought the events were a pretty cool way to show how internet culture and the physical world can interact- same with geocaching. Pokemon Go has just blown those out of the water. If Niantic retains 10% of the player base longterm it will still be a huge cultural

What if no one clicked the clickbait? If the "hot takes" were allowed to cool to lukewarm? Is the medium the message when the message is posted on Medium?

If you live in an urban center or near a college campus (or both!) the Game is so incredibly omnipresent, and in such a brief time, it's really astounding. Walking through town the only analogue I can come up with are "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" or, perhaps more aptly, the TNG episode "The Game".
This is with

Bullingdon Boy Riff in C Minor

Yup- and the resets are always so drenched in the old stuff with so many Easter eggs and references and hints. I think the original role out of The Ultimate Universe was kind of the perfect way to do it- big and accessible, new but with respect for the past. Shame it got so convoluted so quickly.

No doubt- and I'm sure that our phones provide just as much (and more) of our personal data to third party services but something about the sheer audacity of the Echo- just a big glowing always connected and always plugged in surveillance device- that seems to be really disconcerting to me. When you throw in secret

No doubt- and I'm sure that our phones provide just as much (and more) of our personal data to third party services but something about the sheer audacity of the Echo- just a big glowing always connected and always plugged in surveillance device- that seems to be really disconcerting to me. When you throw in secret

That's definitely a factor. The "decompressed" writing of guys like Bendis make 'jumping on' much harder. In the old days I feel like with a recap box and a few editors notes you could make your way into a series or story with very few problems- now you maybe do need those "reset" points if you're going to get new

That's the saddest thing. Can you imagine the fan outcry if they'd canceled the X-Books or the FF in the 90s and early 2000s for corporate IP reasons? Now it's just a little blip and a hiccup.

The Amazon Echo, and all its subsidiary product, just seems so cartoonishly evil to me. It's an always on, always listening, surveillance device that people put in their homes for the "convenience" of being able to talk to their Bluetooth speaker and order things by voice. It's like a Telescreen only instead of an