Tim Tankerd

Definitely more regular. I can remember two big reboots in the 80s and 90s (Crisis and Heroes Reborn)- now they're coming every couple of years. I guess it probably is a combination of a much smaller print market and a much wider fan base

Ike Perlmutter is ooooollllddd school and comes from the world of toys and branding. Dropping the FF and X-men stuff is all him. There's going to be an incredible book written someday about the last twenty years of marvel and Disney.

I'm also a former Ingresser, it's weird seeing how incredibly ubiquitous this game became in no time at all. If Niantic can leverage the lessons they learned about player retention and engagement from ingress into this game the ROI should be huge.

All the locations were just ported over from Ingress.

It's an interesting thought experiment: do the sum of the injuries and robberies exceed the sum total of health benefits in terms of movement and some social interaction? If this game inspires maybe 5% of its player base to be more active on a consistent basis do those health benefits exceed the .05% getting robbed or

I saw someone on the bus catching a meowth or something. From where I was sitting I could see he was flicking Pokeballs at an AR representation of a Pokemon, to everyone else it looked like they were deliberately and blatantly photographing the skeeved out teenage girls sitting across from them. There are going to

I live in a downtown urban core of a city where "the dream of the 90s" is still alive. This game is astoundingly popular. I was counting verified pokemonners (verified where I could see their screen and confirm they were playing the game) and they were easily the majority of people using their smartphones. Reminds

The advertising campaign was terrible. Instead of promoting a movie about a delusional psychotic beating up cops and raping co-workers they went with the "Knocked Up but in a Mall!"

As someone who loved "Force Majeure" I'd be hard pressed to call it a comedy. Most of the humor is decidedly low key and it could easily be classified as a drama. The "humor" is rooted in such a nasty deconstruction of modern masculinity and Scandinavian social manners that it really comes off as an awfully bleak

Man, I really like this series. I dig the central conceit, the narrative, the humor, and I really dig the weird pacing. The last one will be a bummer on a couple levels.

Only two dead!

I think the third cartoonist (the dark Dora and Blue's Clues) had the best art but the weakest writing and schtick.

I like this artist and series the best so far. I like the continuing narrative, the characters and situation are fairly compelling and I think the humor works. This one also puts the first strip in perspective as part of the narrative which raises the value of both to me.

IFC has really been putting in some extra promotion this season- while at the same time burning off two episodes a week.

"This damn Welshman, up all night eating leeks and shagging sheep. It's like he doesn't even realize that it's Matins and no one is ringing the bell! Oh man I am going to strike him on the head so hard, so hard you guys. Going to use my knife- not for stabbing because I'm a vicar after all- but I'm going to strike

That's true for a lot of places and it really is kind of disturbing. So many traditional watchdogs of local government and business just gone. The idea of an independent press serving as a check against government and corporate abuse was a phenomenon that we're going to miss.

News Media and media consumption has evolved at such an incredibly rapid pace over the last three decades or so- we've never had access to so much but absorbed so little. The barrier to entry has nearly disappeared, the traditional gatekeepers have lost nearly all authority and the business model has collapsed to the

Double Standard, Society!

Hank's Hentai of Houston?