Tim Tankerd

Diminishing Returns, Website!

As a mayfly I'm already de

It's bad, but is it "article about an article about a tweet that's about a tv show" bad?

Well this will make Hot Tub Time Machine 2 simply unbelievable!

Or Samantha Bee. Two great potential female hosts, each of whom really got that Daily Show viewpoint that made it essential and were really steeped in the culture of the show.

People were much smarter than you give them credit. People in the 19th century, even in Omaha, knew what elephants were. "Going to see the elephant' was the central metaphor of the Civil War for example. And the the Kingdom of Kongo had had reciprocal diplomatic and religious relationships with European powers

That's something I could see Ed Brubaker making some magic with.

Heck why not make it really tricky and have Tarzan be Asian, like the son of an Indian clerk in Uganda or something. Then really lean into the idea that he's "more native than native", have him spend the whole movie going Mau Mau leading guerilla fighters in a bush war- then it could end with him being the one to

I wonder if you could do the opposite and lean into the modernity- like have it take place during Apartheid or the Rhodesian Bush War or something. Maybe Tarzan really getting instilled with class consciousness and leading a guerilla band of Mau Mau or Angolan freedom fighters.

Satisfactory service, clickbait!

*Tarzan punches Christoph Walz*
Grateful Kongolese: "We're free!"
Twentieth Century History: "Actually here's another 60 years of colonial occupation marked by extreme inequality and suffering"
Confused Kongolese: "Then we're free?"
Twentieth Century History: "Nope! Your former colonial masters help assassinate your

You could definitely make that argument and I'm sure there's a statement to be made there but now we're discussing issues of personal agency and the specter of sexual assault (explicit through Cosby) and whether it was Kanye's place to make that artistic statement using someone else's image and brand. Essentially

I think Harris Wittels was in there at the beginning with "Hot Saucerman" and helped make it into a recurring bit.

She has definitely linked herself to Taylor Swift and I have to assume that their friendship is at least somewhat "real". The misuse of Taylor's image and the seemingly deliberate diminishing of her personal, feminine and artistic agency is very much present in the video and song. In that sense she does have an

Well a lot of the LDS beliefs are directly testable and disprovable with current archaeology or genetic testing. It's essentially impossible to disprove the resurrection of Christ or the parting of the Red Sea or the Night Journey of Muhammad but we can prove pretty conclusively that the LDS depiction of the North

The idea of total religious tolerance being an essential part of American identity and the (divinely inspired) constitution is a major part of LDS theology. It's rooted in their own history of persecution during the early years of the church. Hearing Trump talk about banning Muslims from entering the country or

It's really put the hypocrisy of so much of the religious right into stark display. So many evangelicals just willing to accept someone who is almost comically unChristian in thoughts and belief because he's on "their side". At least the LDS are willing to vote for genuine beliefs and principles over the nebulous

What's really sad is the slow motion way it all happened. Losing all the long time staff writers like Murray, Rabin, Robinson, et al. The rise and fall of The Dissolve. The way they've all come back having to write freelance for piecemeal. The loss of the tvclub and the rise of Good Job, Internet. There could

It's much cheaper. You can hire an intern like Ms. Zuckerman to churn out six of these a day a lot cheaper than paying someone to consistently write 1000 or so insightful words on a single episode.

The progression of her Alzheimer's is particularly frightening. Early onset at her age is pretty rare and to go from diagnosis to death in five years is pretty sobering. Her record was just so incredible and she could have had another decade+ coaching if not for the disease.