Tim Tankerd

"Chewbacca mom was killed and eaten today by an alligator that had pledged allegiance to ISIS. In lieu of flowers please take time to remember that Robin Williams hung himself with a belt".

I know I'm getting downvotes for this but DAE not like the Star Wars prequels?

The scale is what's changed. There are more displaced people now then there were after world war 2

It makes me wonder if it's just an inherent limitation in social media and the "meme-ification" of emotion and expression. That the homogenization of expression through social media, emoji and "virality" is just inherently crippling in a lot of ways, like a Unicode dictionary of Newspeak. Is 😤😪 the new…

I'm ready for the oral history of oral histories. When will all the Web 2.0 content makers get a chance to tell their stories?

What conspiracy? It's all out in the open. We buy oil from Saudi Arabia, they spend tens of billions on our weapons systems. That's not exactly a conspiracy, our petrodollar symbiosis with Saudi defense spending has been a cornerstone of our economy for decades.

Also didn't he have a bow at some point? A few giant sized arrows lobbed at Ramsay would probably have made him lose that aiming ability.

I only saw that when the dog lunged. I thought it looked like just a big old goofy pit giving a big doggy smile before transitioning into CGI attack mode.

Absolutely. And I'm not going to denigrate any real emotional catharsis or empathy that fiction is capable of sparking. It's really more of a response to the emotional hyperbole that seems inherent in modern day fandom- in this case the parent poster equated watching this episode with PTSD and combat. It's that…

"Ned told us it was dishonorable to use cover, terrain or any sort of tactics or strategy. The only honorable course is running directly towards the goal while hopefully not killing too many of your allies with your super cool honor".

It's not just our program anymore ! We've successfully managed to export our drone technology and that good old fashioned American can-do-it attitude to all our buddies. Now when I fill my tank with sweet light Saudi crude I can feel happy that those petrodollars are going to be converted into high paying jobs at…

Warren Ellis' "Crecy" is brilliant as well. It's a graphic novel with definite flaws but it's firmly rooted in the history.

Jesus, I try not to be *that guy* but in a world where war crimes that are as abhorrent as any in history are being committed daily, where targeted killing of children in Yemen or Syria are far more indiscriminate and direct than someone shooting a bow, where actual faceless death comes from a drone that's 25,000…

No way, I was super psyched to see Gandalf and the riders of Rohan come to the rescue, can't wait until Daenarys meets the Eagles!

Could they have gotten any goofier looking dogs? You could definitely sense the on set animal trainer directly behind Ramsay with a squeaky toy and treats.

We needed an explanation that Bran had warged into him in the past and tried to say "Run Diagonal!" But it got muddled into Rungonal, then Rungon then Rickon.

I'm sorry but this episode definitely veered into the "camp" zone for me. I laughed out loud at both of Ramsay's arrows of vengeance.

It was a pretty fascinating train wreck. When they were crowdsourcing ideas of what to send OJ in prison they were really straddling the line between "satire" and just straight up wallowing in the ugliest possible expression of toxic celebrity and internet culture. I reckon one of the major factors in its demise…

Starwipe is now defunct. The last few raving posts are all that's left of Sean O'Neal and Univision's quest to somehow make "Newswire" snarkier and more self-loathing.

Kind of an unfortunate title now…