Tim Tankerd

I know, I know, I should be celebrating the continuing death of independent media, especially on a third party commenting platform hosted on a Univision owned corporate entertainment aggregator.

They broke a lot of major stories, they published some absolute garbage. Some of their writers have gone on to personify many of the best elements of "new media" in the Internet age while others wallowed in meaningless moralizing snark and lowest common denominator blogging that helps define the very worst of the

Mel is a little too old and torn up these days- Muhammad became a prophet at 40 and I would think that that transition from middling merchant to holy warlord would be the crux of the story. Gibson in Braveheart mode would've been perfect. I could see Mark Ruffalo in the role, or maybe Alexander Siddig if you're

Hmmm… Some kind of crazy post-resurrection Jesus? Comes to America? Maybe some huge epic battles between the good jews of North America who accept his coming and the evil ones who get turned red for their sins? And the whole story structure could be told in flashback when an angel visits some guy in upstate New York

"The Triumph of Muhammad" starring Gibson himself as The Prophet (pbuh)! The streets of Medina will run red with the blood of the infidel in this stirring inspirational epic.

This company is ridiculous

"Why yes, I'd love to download an app that turns my phone into a 24 hour recording device that's constantly analyzing every word I say, show I watch or song I listen to in order to turn it into proprietary data about my viewership habits! What could possibly be the downside?"

She has been comparing herself to a human sacrifice for several years

The idea that any image macro that stems from somewhere on the Internet is a meme is, in fact, a pernicious and false meme.

HGH! It's just that simple! What do Sylvester Stallone, Hugh Jackman, JK Simmons and every other veiny 50+ year old know that you don't? That there are a shit ton of sketchy doctors out there! Get ripped… The legal way!

Alcohol is the number one contributing factor for deaths in recreational boating!

If the leaked plot details and Lego figures are correct that's not Stay Puft

With the secondary message that old chestnut "both sides are bad so vote republican"

One of the major LDS causes is religious liberty and tolerance for all, the idea of singling out a religion (Islam) for specific censure is a major issue for most Mormons due to the parallels with their own persecution in the 19th century. Hearing Trump talk about singling out a religion for specific punishment is

I'd hate to be the Comedy Central exec who said "forget the veteran correspondents with an absolute grasp of what made the Daily Show great, no one will watch them on HBO or TBS. America needs Trevor Noah!" Just a shame one of the most groundbreaking topical Newsutainment programs in history is now just an anemic

Spoonman is a complex character, there's no denying that. The picture painted of his life can come across as somewhat squalid and bleak but that's all part of the charm. The fat guys episode of "High and Mighty" with spoonman, Nick Mundy and Jon Gabrus is damn incredible and sort of helps put him in context.

Davos of the House Avuncular, Dispenser of Noogies, Giver of Wisdom and Hugs, Indulger in Tea Parties; the first of his name.

You can heroically save a woman from a mugging, receive several stab wounds for your efforts and bleed to death on the sidewalk while being passed over and ignored by dozens of people.

Well it's a good thing she's trained in Westerosi gastroentestinal surgery and has access to a plethora of antibiotics because that gut wound followed by a fetid canal swim is a one way ticket to sepsis town.

Look I didn't come here to read pop culture riffs by unestablished cartoonists; I came here to read outrage from, and about, furries.