Tim Tankerd

I would imagine it's even higher. Even if she was making half of what NPH and Jason Segal made per episode of HIMYM that's 100K per episode. Throw in syndication and residuals and whatever she got for those American Pie movies and she's got to have a decent nest egg socked away.

Yeah- they made a point in the old Suicide Squad comics that introduced Oracle of establishing that Barbara had an eidetic memory and was a computer genius. Alfred also being a battlefield surgeon, master mechanic, and now a tactical genius (while being a butler, chef and chauffeur) is really gilding that lily.

Oh man- what a disappointment that would be. It's like when they absorbed WildStorm and brought "Stormwatch" and "The Authority" into DC continuity for the New 52; just a pale retread of stories written decades ago.

Please, oh please, don't let the "Darker Batman" end up being Rorschach.

Nathan likes many things: the ouvre of Cannon Films, Insane Clown Posse, and living in Georgia. He contains multitudes.

Mental Organism Designed Only for Knishes

Y'know, I can't really criticize Steve Harvey. He's a true American success story. Guy is from Welch, West Virginia, one of the poorest regions of the Appalachians, and came from a long line of itinerant coal miners. Barely gets out, has a middling standup career which goes nowhere and he ends up homeless for

"Hey Hodor, sorry for mystically destroying your brain in childhood and subjecting you to three decades of crippling mental illness in order to buy those extra four minutes, came in super handy; much better than if we had just packed a stout doorjamb or something. Wouldn't have been rescued anyways by my uncle, noble

Modern gun control, in the form of the Mulford Act, was a direct response to the Black Panthers advocating the exercise of their second amendment rights. Governor Reagan and the NRA were pretty blatantly open about it at the time.

"I need half a dozen Ativan, two quarter pounders with cheese and a bottle of lube. It's time for some selfcare"


Buster- not Busty!

"Now that's what I call torrenting the Force Awakens"

There's a very powerful documentary about that subject: "Pizza in Auschwitz".

Honestly the main impediments to genuinely pursuing a Human/ Chimp or Bonobo hybrid are all ethical more so than biological. Our speciation from the last common chimp/human ancestor is most likely significantly more recent than that of Lions and Tigers, for instance, and their hybrids are relatively common in zoos

And maybe a five minute headstart.

Exactly, it's much better for most consumers that Disney didn't try and rollout their own exclusive streaming service like SeeSo or whatever.

It's why I find the modern emphasis on cladistic analysis much more useful than typical Linnaean classification.

Horses and donkeys have different numbers of chromosomes as well (64 and 62 respectively). They can and do breed, they're called mules, and the offspring are sterile.

The only major experiments in Human/ Ape hybrids were done in the 1920s.