Tim Shoppa

May riding on top of the Russian-bot while hammering his head in, was the most badass thing I have ever seen.

So far the show has been focusing on Radcliffe as the creator of the framework and/or as Aida as having messed it up. But I think very soon it will be revealed that May - as the one stuck in the framework for the longest, and with the most repeated escape attempts - is the one who has been consistently pushing the

My bet: Virtual-Agnes and Virtual-May team up in the Framework to find a glitch, and upload Virtual-Agnes into Robot-Ava.

Fitz's father leaving when he was 10, with Fitz's hurt feelings always being at the festering surface, feels a *LOT* like an implanted memory.

I'm still trying to connect MAEL = Momentum Advanced Energy Labs to MAELstrom. Wikipedia says of Maelstrom, "Maelstrom can manipulate […] energy […] and use the energy for his own purpose …. enabled him to draw on virtually unlimited energy from the other-dimensional quantum zone". But if he is instead a version of

Molecule Man, Molecule Man. Able to make useless lumps of carbon in his hands!

Not the roof, the hood! TJ Hooker the whole way!

So when exactly in the first 3 seasons, did "Coulson is not actually dead" go from being uper-secret, something hidden from the Avengers themselves, to something you can tell members of congress in a pony show? Or even propose that Coulson should be a publicly acceptable figurehead of SHIELD?

Momentum Advanced Energy Labs = the first four letters of MAELstrom. I just rewatched the first episode of the first season, everyone loves their acronyms!

I have to chime in here… 6 seasons of Archer later… and say that there is no way Skytanic gets a B-. It has to get a solid A, it is Archer in pure true form, just 3 episodes into its first season. When "Danger Zone" was not dated, when a discussion of NATO Phonetics and solid green wires is more fun than any on-screen

Really hope Daisy's dad comes back as part of Coulson's plan to "get through" to Daisy. Preferably with Cal taken off his Tahiti-juice or whatever keeps him sane.

Sure, Coulson should be allowed a clever quip with a spear sticking out of his chest, I have no problem with that. "So that's what it does" is just perfect.

I thought at the very end of the One Where FitzSimmons Comes Back Through The Portal, that Astronaut Will had shot the evil thing. Remember, he had one bullet left, we do hear the bang but don't see anything?

Frequently felt like "Land of The Lost" to me. Except without the high production values of Sid and Marty Kroft.

Pre-brain-damage he was too talky. As exemplified by what he said just seconds before the brain damage. The brain damage damage stuttering actually helps with Fitz's evolution into a badass. We're not sure how much he's saying but we can see him do stuff. Fake splinter bombs that are booby traps, shooting the door off

My son tells me, that I yell at the dumb computer the exact same way when it eats my documents.

How can you leave out General Talbot's BEST comic relief effort yet? Trying to rip the "fake face" off that poor woman, pulling out the gun on his real wife.

I know this is supposed to be the Will Forte vehicle, but for me it really kicked up several notches when Kristen Schaal showed up.

I don't think the real Skye and Flower Girl are with Ward. I think it was either LMD's, or other agents that used that disguise-and-voice-technology to swap with Skye and Flower Girl.

Having recently picked up on the previously obscure Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel has been looking for other obscure properties to hit the big screen. In this context, it is obvious that Bessie ref is a hint that the "Zadar Cow From Hell" timeline has been incorporated into the Marvel Universe. http://en.wikipedia.or