
Hey guys I just found out that I'm going to become a grandmother! We are so happy! Our daughter drove five hours to see us in person to deliver the news. YAY! If anyone here knows of some great baby stores in Austin please share , I got me some granny-shopping to do!

You are 100% right. It's another party and an easy one by my standards. It must be that word.

Two years ago, I through a dinner party for 40 people, including 1 vegetarian and 1 celiac, where I cooked a theme dinner based on 1599 English countryside Christmas meal. It was three "courses" (each course had 5-8 dishes), I

I had my first kiss in three years since I left my abusive ex-boyfriend. Anything I did with him, I don't count it as real.

OKC messages of the week:

I don't think that several of the people in my life understand 1. just how bloody stubborn I am (my nickname was Mule until I was 14) and 2. how to give actual support. I have signed up for the Alex's Lemonade Stand Million miles in September event. My pledge was 100 miles or more for the month with plans of trying to

I really think Angelina and Jen should do a movie together. Maybe a Thelma & Louise re-boot (with Brad Pitt in the same role as last time). That would make the universe explode.

It's a curious thing about human nature that we continue to expect better from people who have shown us, consistently, that they are not better. The Kardashians are as they do and have done. No surprise.

you WILL find someone. Z was a great guy, and it's not that he didn't care for you, but he's not in the right place for a relationship. LDR are so very very difficult. I know it's hard, but you need to try to get out - join a gym, a walking club, a skiing club, a book club, SOMETHING. Sitting alone at night is not

Nothing I can say will help. Long, sensual amazing weekends where you felt like the world was spinning out of control? Gosh, that's hard to let go of. But you were brave to do it rather than waste a year playing.

It depends on how comfortable you are with lying. I am a terrible person and never feel bad about lying to get out of social obligations I want no part of so I would probably say my mom was in town or something came up at work or I have a family event to go to (like say your grandfather's birthday lunch or aunt's

So my friend and I are going to Budapest in just over a week and I am super excited! First time going abroad without family so pretty stoked. If anyone has suggestions for (preferably cheap!) things to do in Budapest, we would super appreciate it!

Also, a week after coming home I'm going to be starting university again

Wise words. I will focus on that. I still love him, even though I don't always love the way he handles things, and I love what we had together. But yes, I don't want to go through this again, and I know I inevitably would. I will think of you and remind myself if/when he shows up :)

No getting laid where you get paid, dude.

Magic 8 Ball?

It won't. Don't shit where you eat. :P

I know a woman who puts whiskey in her kombucha. She offered me some once. I drank it. To be fair, I told her I'd drink Sochi Olympics hotel room water if you put whiskey in it.

Gawd. That's such a Stamos thing to do. Classic Stamos.

And an episode of law and order svu where John stamos was the multidad

I like that Aladdin is really making a firm commitment to that vest. It's like the Agrabah version of socks but no pants.