
Dang, that sucks. If I were you I just wouldn't mention it to any other coworkers, and if someone brings the situation up, just tell them the truth. And hmm number 2 is a bit tricky...do you think there's a reason you'd have to tell your SO? It doesn't really sound like there is.

Congrats!! That is so awesome :)

You can do it! Seriously, you already did it once so you can do it again. Never smoked so not sure what you can do to help with the cravings...my grandpa used to chew a shit ton of gum when he was quitting. And I guess there's exercise. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is best of luck! You got this :)

Ooooooh what about the original script?

For me, I think the thing that kept me from going back (even though I was sorely tempted) was knowing that the reason we broke up was a valid one and that it was the right thing for both of us. If you know that the breakup was for the right reasons, just remind yourself of that. Even though getting back together will

Okay, so Nice Guy™ made me laugh haha, they've pretty much trademarked that behavior...

While it's true that a lot of people hate police officers, there are also a lot more who love them and see them as heroes and defend their actions (even when they shouldn't). Some will love you and some will hate you for your job. Just like every profession, there are shitty, terrible police officers, and there are

Yeah! Well not so much proofread as just "hey does this sound good?" And then two weeks later he showed up at my job when I was off work to talk about getting back together. Ugh. Too many sad feels.

I know one of the backup dancers for Iggy Azalea for the VMAs! We did sports together once upon a time and now she's a professional ballerina. Looking at her gorgeous performance pictures on Facebook always makes me wish my dad hadn't made me quit ballet for financial reasons even though MY BROTHER STILL GOT TO PLAY

In my year of student teaching, I found that more often than not, it was the girls who broke the dress code rules more than the boys. However, to my knowledge it didn't disrupt anything in the classroom. No boys were "distracted" by seeing a girl's shoulders or an inch of skin between her shirt and her skirt. It's

Why is there rain on my face?

Thanks! :) I think that was one of the hardest parts of going on all the interviews — trying to convey how dedicated I am and how much effort I will put into this. I can't wait to see my classroom and get started with everything!

Are you me? I feel like I wrote this! This happened at the very end of my last serious relationship as well — he put up his profile literally two hours after we finalized everything and messaged me on Facebook to ask me to proofread something. We ended pretty amiably but were both very upset. I thought it was

In my experience, if you think that something is amiss, if your gut is telling you that, you're probably right. I had a friend like this once, who lied about her job, how much money she had, all these weird other things (that she had a twin who died, that she was kidnapped as a child — eventually she admitted it was

Guys, I am absolutely over the moon right now. The fucking moon! I just got my very first teaching job! I am going to be a high school English teacher. Every time it starts to sink in, something happens, like a phone call from my new principal, or getting my class schedule, and my mind is blown again. I've spent years

Then why call out anyone who works for a pedophile? Not defending him at all (that piece of crap) but why do we call out those who work for Terry Richardson? It's not like THEY'RE the ones preying on women.

I was on a United Airlines flight a few weeks ago with my mom and while talking with one of the flight attendants, she told us that they are phasing out the screens and plan to offer WiFi instead. Which costs money. So there's your reason!

I feel that way about dating sometimes too, but no matter what you've got going on for you (& you're a cat lover and pretty awesome to talk to, so I just have this sense you're fantastic!) there's somebody out there who is going to love that, so don't go for anything that feels like settling.

Are you me? Are we the same person? Sometimes I feel like I'm too picky too and some people might disagree, but I don't think there's anything with having high standards. Not high like "you must be this tall to ride the ride" as much as high standards for how people treat you. Basically, I refuse to settle and you

Have you tried online dating? I feel like people always say that, but if it's something you haven't tried before, you might consider a free site like OkCupid. There are plenty of horror stories, but a majority of people on there seem to be more or less decent. My best friend met her boyfriend on there and is going to