Wow. Because of a weak, cowardly, white supremacist president martial law is about to be invoked and you guys are taking pot shots at Biden. Nice.
Wow. Because of a weak, cowardly, white supremacist president martial law is about to be invoked and you guys are taking pot shots at Biden. Nice.
Black people are being killed in the street right now and Trump is calling for the goddamn Army to shoot them in the street, but sure Jezebel, lets willfully misinterpret something Biden said. NOTICE ME, SENPAI BERNIE OwO
Also, Thandie Newton is in this movie.
Antonio was supposed to be playing a vampire from Russia that was made when he was 15 years old. He took me right out of the movie. Interview with the Vampire was from Louis perspective so Tom Cruise perfectly captured him from that point if view.
Interview with the Vampire is and always was what I like to call high-class trash. I mean, it’s Anne Rice, so it’s not like the original material is exactly highbrow, but the movie did a pretty great job of bringing the story to the screen. I thought it was thoroughly enjoyable but the I was a teenager in the 90s so…
Karen: The Movie
Oh, please let the romance be with the friend’s teenage son
Some of her rom coms were terrible. Just Like Heaven was a weird pro-life bizarre cringe fest. And I still hate Sweet Home Alabama.
I’m so sorry but Kylie’s fillers and work are super apparent when she has no makeup on. It’s nice that she doesn’t always go around in full glam but to pretend you can’t see that she’s gotten alterations is just insulting.
The bigger problem is that he is stacking the other courts, not just SCOTUS.
Whatever. At this point I’m so turned-to-stone jaded and resentful that one of the few hopes I cling to is that COVID-19 rips through Evangelical communities like wet paper. It already looks as though red states are primed to take the full brunt of this pandemic at its peak, and...yeah...fuck ‘em. They voted, prayed,…
Congratulations. All the parties involved in this “beef” have gotten what they wanted: publicity and attention. Jezebel has done its part.
I’m much more concerned that Liberty was his “dream” school, but that’s a whole other ball of wax.
If the religion you follow (likely through indoctrination from childhood) tells you that the god you worship hates you because of a defining aspect of yourself that has been with you since birth, i dunno...maybe leave that religion and find one that accepts you for who you are?
So here’s how I see it: Fergie and Andrew set the precedent by being absolute shitheads and selling access to the crown. I don’t think Liz thinks H&M would do the same, but because they’re going to start making their own money, she doesn’t want to risk that happening again. He is royal, but they can’t use that for…
Those ships were clearly still in the atmosphere. Wasn’t that the whole point of the scene, that they couldn’t ascend out of atmo without guidance or whatever?
That would be a GREAT idea to have a “Blanc-World” set of movies. Knives Out was a lot of fun.
Definitely would go to it....Knives Out was a real nice twist on the old whodunit and I loved the cast. Every one of them seemed to just relish playing their characters - who I firmly believe walk around the world today.