Tim Rawlinson

It certainly seems that way. With all the ' further evidence of family guys decline' and ' Famiy Guy we've been on for years' jokes plus the simpsons crossover, seems more of a wrapping things up few seasons and gradual wind down than a fully fledged Family Guy experience.

Oh joy

He pitches episode ideas

Its moving to TBS - more episodes

read the opening first credit you douchebag he's exec producer- not creator.

Seths mum did die so maybe it's seth getting that out of his system

Not forgetting the teen choice awards sketch lol

The season has been a lot calmer than usual like they are getting ready to wrap things up in the next season or two

Meg was in the episode briefly. I agree plus the Family Guy we've been on for years bit was gold.

I usually find it funny but the jokes this season have been overly mean

another non alec fan lol

you mean you did alec.

Hi Alec.
Write a good episode please

Alec Sulkin once said in an interview as long as it's funny they ditch good plots and development for the jokes. The problem is only Seth and him find the jokes funny……. the rest fake laugh like on Youtube

Watch american dad instead and avoid things written by Alec Sulkin

The episode was written by alec sulkin but meg has been shown to be suicidal before so it matched. No one complains when Moe from the simpsons trys to kill himself.

credits- written by alec sulkin. enough said

Look up larry and steve on youtube. My theory is that He pitched it to fox who told him to change it into a family sitcom, which he didn't want to do. They had a lois peter a weird looking chris and of course a Brian in Larry and steve but no Meg, hense the meg hate.

Francine being spanked anyone

Sassy black nurse.