Tim Rawlinson

Alec Sulkin became producer.

How much did they pay you to say that.

Yes yes we can all read Family Guy Wiki

Usually ideas writers have will make it into the show, it's spontaneous and writers pitch jokes all the time which end up in the show. Some work, some don't.

No i like Seth i just hate Alec.

Didnt I tell yew hmm hmm i told ya lol

That would be good but remember Joey was the most popular character in Friends and look how that turned out.

No I LIKE horror movies but the difference is horror movies are renowned for being gory, never used to not be gory and aren't designed to make us laugh at the gore like deluded sickos.

You misread my point. Ten episodes a season would mean more ballance between the normal episodes and the kick ass ones. It would half the workload and Seth said he has about thrity writers writing scripts… lower it. Look at your highly praised episodes, who wrote them, what your most popular moments are and stop with

They should seriously consider reducing Family guy to ten episodes a season.

The episodes are made a year in advance so don't sweat it buddy

He also comes up with some of the worst cutaways.

It's not the joke it's self but the graphic depiction just for the sake of it. Like the cat killing thing with the blood. Whoever comes up with or does these scenes is a prick or bunch of pricks. There's no need for them.

I would have liked it to be like season 3 where Peter loses his job for few episodes.

I liked how he got the shell perfect afterwards though. Didn't laugh at the whale scene but the shell was gold.

Season with and after the bank vault episode is where Family Guy started to decline. Which is the same time Mike Henry left for Cleveland Show. He invented some of the best random characters and skits when he was producer of family guy, but the same fate happened in seasons 1-3 when Matt left for American Dad. What

It's not so much the shock value as I'm beyond that now, it's just every shock scene in Family guy is un funny and horrible. The evil stewie episode was just awful as well. It is not funny clever or edgy it is just stupid. I wish Seth Alec and whoever else could get that through their thick skulls. The Star Wars