
oh no a container was used to contain things

Different than “Finishing On” a Dish.

(Hi Claire. I’ll head out the backdoor now)

These need to be 10x the current price. The amount of traffic these signs generate is massive.

Left-leaning CEOs can fuck right off just as much as right-leaning ones. None of them deserve to have any more influence over policy than any other citizen. And their corporations don’t deserve a “voice” at all.

Fear not, citizens - I will have sex with you on Mondays. Consider it a pubic public service.

If you want to go hands free hook the waistband under the balls. It provides just the right amount of lift to ensure a good arch taking the pee away from the front of your jeans.

If you want to go hands free hook the waistband under the balls. It provides just the right amount of lift to ensure

If you just want to see unionized workers make excuses for why black people deserve to be killed, we already have police unions.

I mean if you’re going to Snapchat yourself doing a bump of coke at least have the presence of mind to use the whimsical dog filter.

In honor of Hamilton Nolan’s incredibly niche focus on blogger unionization, Deadspin is pleased to announce the following new sub-blogs:

soon enough theyll be eating ass to test for explosives.

I’m going to try this duck eggs, so I that when I sear I can get that true Mallard reaction.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you. But it’s absolutely essential to say: the p-value crisis is in all manner of “hard” sciences too. Behavioral genetics, ecology, oncology, medical imaging, even cosmology - it’s a much bigger problem than people who ascribe it to the social sciences let on.

Or you could, you know, learn.

Or you could, you know, learn.

Scouts say Reid has great quick-twitch muscle, and Lane is a natural athelete. The scouts are split on Kaepernick, some saying he athletically gifted, some believing he is a student of the game. All agree he was raised a grinder.

Can’t believe I wasted one of my 10 free articles for that...

San Diego -Asked restaurant host: “God, did you hear about Sports Illustrated ?”

I’ve disliked a lot of what I’ve read about Semenya, and this piece provides a good counter-weight, but Semenya’s circumstance really does trip over a lot of hidden faultlines in how we think about gender and how we think about sports.

Quickly-cooking chicken breasts and pork chops are great for weeknight meals — except when they turn out as dry and flavorless as shoe leather. Brining has become my saving grace! It’s a way of ensuring juiciness and adding flavor, and unlike turkey and corned beef that need to soak for days, these thin cuts will

You forgot The Dharma Initiative.

Before you sit on your ass at home, instead do some research to have some idea about the status quo you are implicitly supporting.