
When, if ever, (and how) is it okay to correct someone for a misuse of a word/phrase? I know I come off like a dick but people are also sometimes grateful to not be making the same mistake going forward.

I didn’t read that implication here at all.

I’m glad that the boss will know how long it takes me to shit now.

“Old news.” - Karl Marx

I sous vide from frozen regularly, and thought I’ve never tested it scientifically I’ve found basically no discernible difference. Being able to cook frozen food easily is basically my favorite part of owning a circulator.

What is it?

Are all the Olive Oils at TJ Maxx and similar stores fraudulent? What about the Maple Syrup?

I’ve had this problem too (Citibank), but I sort of just assumed user error and gave up on it. Good to know it’s not just me.

FYI this won’t work if it’s under 100 proof

Me neither, but I know a lot of very passionate people trying for this exact thing. I’m hopeful.

I don’t see big union execs being replace by idealistic dreamers, no. But I do see a labor movement that has gotten new blood and new energy recently, and if it’s more responsive to the needs of its constituents then I could absolutely see the unions again becoming popular loci of empowerment.

Mostly agree, but: just because “the age of the idealistic union leader of the turn of the century [may be] long since dead and buried,” doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.

Just depends on what you think “possible” means. I don’t mean “legal.” Those companies who are paying higher wages are still paying as little as possible given their mission (to maximize value). It just so happens that the most profitable thing is to pay workers more.

The fundamental difference is that CEOs must, by definition, extract as much from their workers as possible by paying them as little as possible. That’s not a value judgment (necessarily), it’s just how that works. Union execs, in theory, do not adhere to that dynamic at all; they’re incentivized to be as valuable for

Passively accepting the status quo of the “adult world” is what these movements are actively trying to move on from. We can make the “real world” less racist, and this sort of thing is part of that effort.

Or just worry about what impacts you and let other people do what they want to do.

The fact that you call them feminazis immediately indicates that you’ve failed the empathy portion.

Maryland matters on paper: diverse, rich, has a nationally relevant city, geographically central, big-time sports, etc. But Maryland produces almost nothing of cultural value. What is the point of Maryland?

Are true league parity and labor/salary justice fundamentally opposed? Or can those things coexist?

Still no dash button for charcoal, which is basically my ideal use case.

Still no dash button for charcoal, which is basically my ideal use case.