It’s not current British camouflage, but is is very like the older pre-2011 version. That can be bought in almost any army surplus and as someone else has said, some teams just wear what they are comfortable in.
It is being reported that a car smuggling weapons was intercepted in Austria a few days ago, apparent destination....Paris.
Looking at that, I do not know any details, but looks like both on the bike did not have helmets and the way the pillion landed and was twitching, plus the way the cops acted, I would say the pillion died right there, while the @#*~% rider got away with it...
But missing the old army trick of tying them to the rear bumper fender with a long piece of rope so that you do not have to stop to pick them up and just get bogged again...
With you on that - that’s the attitude needed in life!
Meanwhile in England...there are loads of these and they are all used as taxis! It had never been a car that sprung to mind as one to have, so interesting to read.
Well there must have been one seriously pissed off biker somewhere the next morning...who moved my bike? who’s been sitting on my bike? Damn, who punctured my rear tire?
Bristol Aeroplane Company...which then built cars. Nice photo of a Beaufighter though.
Oh f@ck, he’s going for it....
Brits, not Aussies....can’t compare....can’t spell...
Genghis would have lots of Hilux ‘technicals’, but he would probably roll in a Landcruiser.