
@SamhitaMosquito: please back up your statements...whats bland and flat about the platform?

@Bobarian: WP7 handles that in a multiple of ways. For one their are lots of free games in the marketplace...2, the marketplace has a featured section in its hub that promotes the featured apps of the day...they also give you a free trail to try it out first before you buy.

@plankton88: Yeah, the 360 has always been more polished when it comes to options and its menu system.

@commentotron: I use a Samsung Focus and I dont wait for things to load anywhere near to the degree your discribing. Though the Focus has been shown to load games faster than the HD7.

Its no Zune but an improvment over what was there before.

@seamonkey420: Seriously buddy? Really? You knowingly bought a V1 OS and couldn't wait a couple months for an update to it?

Best multiplayer game this year by FAR!

Just bought it a few minutes ago and will be checking it out very shortly. Loving the Xbox Live integration in WP7 and now they even pulled off their first cross-platform game between the phone and PC! WP7 is taking gaming on a phone to a new level.

@Cause007: The next Xbox doesn't even need to use Blu Ray. Their are already disc formats that exceed the current max of if and by the time next Gen gets started, theirs sure to be even higher storage disc.

@TimoTim: Also Netflix, some Facebook, and a little LastFM.

My 360 is used to its fullest on a daily basis.

Would love to have a PA based location.

She was so cute... before it all...

@BoffrO: No sir... you are incorrect. The AI and collision physics is the same as found in GT4... the AI follows the same exact driving line no matter what and the bumper cars are still in full effect.

@matrixdude: Really? Thats funny. I didnt know Just Dance on the Wii tracked your whole body, and here I thought it was just reading the Wiimote.

@riceKRISPYninja: Yes, it does. It even includes the ones MS gave away... you see, even though it may have cost them nothing to take it home... SOMEBODY had to pay for them, thus they are apart of the sales.

Congrats MS! I know you guys dont get enough credit on your consumer products but WOW! Continued success... will be picking mine up shortly.